Page 27 of Heritage of Blood

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Send her on her way.

I should let Antonio do whatever he was planning with her, but this odd desire to keep her locked away with me is …


It may expose Buscetta’s plans, or it may confirm what he is suspecting.

“Nyet,” I say to Nik, eyes still trained on the screen and Kate. “Text Ivan. I want a car here in thirty minutes.” I avoid Nik, moving back out the door and dialing Ilena.

If I can’t wrench her from my mind, then I’ll bring her into my world.



My mind is reeling—maybe grappling is more like it—with the information dumped on me. It’s unfamiliar and shadowed by uncertainty. After trying to chew out of my restraints with zero luck, I tuck my legs up and rest my head. My head is pounding, probably from lack of water and food, but also from the weight of this newfound confusion.Does he seriously think I’d be involved with the Mafia?My mom—I’m worried for my mom.

A warm, metallic taste sits on my tongue. I’ve chewed my lips to the point of bleeding. I’ve got to get to my mom. If this man, Tony, er, Antonio is who they say he is—I take a deep breath as the prickling behind my eyes threatens again. I don’t know what is going on. I’m not sure why I’m here. I can only assume what Lacy said about this man is correct. He is involved with one of these organizations.

I’m as good as dead then, right?

Cool tears make their way down my face and my chest tightens.Will they let me go?Please let them let me go.

The door swings open and the blond man struts in. I release my legs and reach up to wipe my face, while shame floods my cheeks—I’ve been caught in such a vulnerable position.

He walks over to me, lifts me by the elbow, and I try to pull back. He snorts in a half laugh.

“Let’s go, your chariot awaits.” He winks in my direction and my forehead tightens with confusion. He doesn’t hold back this time; he snickers.

“No. I’m not going anywhere with you. I need to go home,” I say, trying to sound confident in my own words. Although at the rate I’m being summoned and the two guns on his person, I’m not sure it comes across this way.

“Not happening. Boss wants you in the car.” I stop struggling to glare at the man. His light sandy blond is such a contrast to his boss’s dark brown and tousled with less care. His eyes, set against his fair skin, are a striking hazel with a magnetism in his gaze that screams annoying charm. He is athletically built, and I save my strength because this man is not letting up with his grip. I resort to something else.

“Please …” I sob. “Please let me go.”

He sighs as if I’m inconveniencing him. “Listen—” he counters, and I see the charm disintegrate into disgust, “—if it was me, I’d throw you back to Antonio. Luka doesn’t need this, nor should he be dealing with you. Now move it.”

I cling to the only piece of information that I’m given. “Luka?”

The man must realize his mistake because his face contorts, lips tightening into a curl of disapproval. I get no response. Instead, I’m ushered through the doors and up the stairs.

Landing at the top, light finally filters in, and we are in some sort of large warehouse. Pushing through to the exit, I pass four more guards, dressed in dark black uniforms, weapons firmly grasped. Three black SUVs come into view, and I’m guided to the middle one. The back door is already open, and my body seizes, planting my heels into the ground. I push back against the man’s hands and try to turn in his grasp.

Fear is driving my struggle, and my shoes scuffle along the pebbled rocks.Please, please I do not want to be put in this car.Isn’t that what they teach you? Never let your kidnapper get you in the car or to another location.

The blond finally grows tired of my antics and forcibly picks me up with a grunt and stashes me in the back seat of the car. My wrists, still bound, are chafed and raw from my struggles. I blink rapidly as the man quickly slams the door in my face, and I send several kicks to the door with a disheartened sob.

No. Please no.

I shove my right shoulder into the car door and reach for the handle, but it doesn’t budge.

“It is not going to open.”

I scream, blindsided by the fact that there was someone else in the back seat with me. I turn my face to him—Luka—and I can’t suck in air fast enough. He is sitting, posture straight, on the driver's side. With one hand with his phone and the other on his perfect suit pant, he is eyeing me. He takes in my face and moves down my body, pausing for a few seconds too long on my hands, then flicking his eyes to mine.

“Please. I don’t know anything. I need to go home, and I need to check on my mom. I’m sorry I was there that night. I’m sorry I didn’t know who he was, but you have to let me go.” The tears are falling again, and I’m beyond trying to gather my composure. I have a life. I have a job. I have a mom who needs me. She can’t lose someone else. She won’t make it.

“Please, Luka,” I plead, his name on my lips shockingly enticing.
