Page 41 of Heritage of Blood

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Heart pounding, I flick the water to cold.

I emerge from my walk-in closet dressed in my suit when sexy laughter floats under my door. I pause, my stomach flipping as if I got punched in the gut. I’d know that tone anywhere, even when I’ve never heard her laugh. My back teeth grind and I clench my fists—I’ve never heard her laugh, and now that I’ve heard it, I need to again.

I’m driven to the door by theneedto know what made that sound come out of her mouth. I stride into the kitchen to see there are too many people in my house; this must be another nightmare. Nik and Kate are sitting at the island and Ilena is cooking at the stove.

“Good morning, Mr. Morozov.” Ilena gives away my presence. Nik and Kate both glance in my direction at the same time, and I pretend not to notice the smile I crave wipe clean off Kate’s face.

“Boss.” Nik nods with respect.

“What are you doing here so early?” I say, spitting out my words as something takes root in my chest. It’s ugly and heavy, clawing at me from the inside.

“Delivering Ms. Castile her new phone and blessing Ilena with my wild charm, of course,” Nik says. He winks at Ilena, and she rolls her eyes.

“You full of it. He is here to eat my food,” Ilena replies.

Nik raises both hands in front of him. “You caught me.” He leans across the island to kiss her hand, and she swats him off.

“Ivan is out front, Boss. I’ll meet you down there. Have fun today, Kate,” Nik says.

He plasters a wide grin on his face and jogs to the elevator. I had almost forgotten I told Kate she could go out shopping. When she asked about getting some more clothes, I was dumbfounded. I hadn’t thought much about her having what she needs while here. I had her round up a bag’s worth of belongings without giving her anymore thought. I’m pissed at myself for that.

A chiming sound comes from somewhere in the house that I’ve never heard before, and Ilena darts out of the room, muttering something about the sheets. Kate spins her new phone on the counter, and I want to know what other habits she has when trying to ignore me. I reach back into my pocket to pull out my wallet while stalking toward her.

“Kate—” I say, but as her name rolls off my lips she interrupts me.

“Please don’t change your mind, Luka. I really need to get a few things.” Her eyes are glued to the counter, and I guide her face back to mine, relishing her soft skin under the pads of my fingertips. The sparkle in her eyes and the rose tint climbing her cheeks betray her fake frown. I pull out my black card and hand it to her, confusion morphing her dainty features, placing little lines on her rounded chin.

“Get whatever you need,” I say, eyes lingering on her chin. I follow her jawline down to her neck, the pulse there thumping wildly.

“I can’t take that.”

Kate stands, trying to avoid my eyes, but all it does is place her closer to me.

“You can Kate. You will. I kidnapped you, remember?” A breathy sound escapes her, and I want to see how many sounds she makes with my mouth on her delicate skin.

“How could I forget?” she replies.

Irritation floods my veins as I realize she would, in fact, never forget. I douse it with a healthy dose of my father’s voice.Personal attachments are a liability. This is temporary.

Even as I say that, my feet drift closer to her. Kate stumbles back, her backside blocked from retreating any further by the island counter. Both of my arms come down on either side of her, and I catch the shiver that jolts through her. I’m emboldened by her physical response to me, and I lean down, putting my mouth to her ear, her hips grazing my thigh.

“You never will.” I answer her rhetorical question and enjoy when her mouth gapes open.

I push back, letting my arms fall away from the counter. Her chest is heaving, and her face flush. “Use the card,malyshka.”

I stride toward the elevator, a smirk pulling at my lips. As much as I enjoy Kate’s voice, her silence in this moment is everything.

* * *

“Senator Hope is meetingwith another high roller. A contact tipped us off.”

Igor’s voice fills my office on speakerphone.

“That piece of—when?” Nik responds.

“Meet is in one hour, according to our messenger. Sixty-five percent reliability.” Igor’s voice crackles through the poor connection.

“So, the senator wants to double dip. Where’s the meet happening? We need to send a message.” While I’m not surprised, it is an inconvenience.
