Page 40 of Heritage of Blood

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“I—yes. We have a deal. Can I have my phone back? I need to take care of some things,” I say. “Probably listen to my termination voicemail from work and open my eviction notice from my landlord. You know, the usual?”

A grin breaks out across Luka’s face, and it’s devastating. His lips curl, revealing pearly white teeth; it’s mischievous. I instantly decide that I’d commit a crime to see him smile like that again.

“Nyet,” he says, a frown replacing his irresistible smile.

I have no idea what that means, sounds like no, but let’s go with …“What?”



“Yes, Kate, no. You may not have your phone back. I will, however, provide you with a new one. You can check your email and text your boyfriend whenever you want. I’m almost positive Antonio has your phone bugged.”

All my thoughts come to a full stop. My boyfriend? Hyperfocusing on this, I glare up at him.

“And why do you think that?” I huff.

“Because that’s what I would do.”

My mouth pops open to respond, but I shut it again. I didn’t mean why Antonio bugged my phone; I wanted to know why he thinks I have a boyfriend. I’m angry with myself for being more concerned with what he thinks rather than my phone being bugged.

“I’ll have Nik get you set up with one tomorrow.” He backs up, pulling away.

“I also need some clothes.” I manage to fumble out before he leaves the kitchen. He turns, and I continue, “I mean, I only brought what fit in my duffel. If I’m going to stay here, I need a few more items; Ilena is probably getting tired of washing the same four shirts.”

He doesn’t say anything; just stands there processing, and I’m getting uncomfortable. “I will pay, of course. I only need a ride.”

“A ride,” Luka parrots. “I’ll find someone to take you out tomorrow. You’ll need to have guards go with you.”



“Get down! Get down!” Shots are fired in rapid succession.

Pop. Pop. Pop.


There is so much blood. One of my men is lying on the ground, unmoving. There’s even more blood. Something slices through my abdomen. I’m struggling to draw my weapon; blood from my hands is making it hard to grasp. Roaring in my ears signals tires squealing away.


Pop. Pop.

It’s too cold, I can’t stay upright. I’m going to fall.

“Sir—” I hear a sweet, angelic voice, but the person in front of me is a blur.

This isn’t how I thought I’d die. I need to call Nik. I—I—Blood squelches from my wound and I’m spinning—No, the world is spinning. Black spots creep into my vision …

The world goes black.

I bolt awake,gasping for air. My heart is thumping, and the sweat-soaked sheets are strangling my body. My fingers swipe down my face, and I exhale a long breath. Rolling out of the sticky sheets, I grab the phone—5 a.m. Slept through my alarm again.

Messages scroll in as the perfect distraction. After working through a few emails, I head to the shower. Hot water pelts my back, the replay of my nightmare loops through my mind. The squealing tires, the gunshots, and the pain—all of it repeats in my head like a fast-paced movie I can’t stop watching. Kate’s voice, however, slows down in my thoughts, and I replay her gentle, melodious words over and over.

I remember pulling into the gas station that night, ahead of my men. It was impossible to miss her car, and the woman anxiously staring at the numbers on the pump. The gunfire is when I lose my memory of her; I can’t see her face. It’s a blur, a haze that won’t clear from my mind—I hate it. Her delicate tone, trembling with fear, so pure and innocent—I want to take it. I want to mark her soul.
