Page 50 of Heritage of Blood

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“Does it matter where I stay? You’ll put cameras wherever I am.”

“What makes you so sure I care where you are?” Luka’s voice is teasing, but the sting of his words rings true. He probably doesn’t.

“Why?” I ask.

“Technically, I’m your landlord. I should find replacement housing for you, don’t you think?”

Ummm. No. Nope.A small flutter in my chest takes flight, nonetheless.

“Pretty sure that’s not how it works. Hopefully, you had insurance on that building. I would hate for you to lose your investment.”

I’m goading him; it’s glorious and slightly terrifying. He takes a sip of his macchiato, and I watch his tongue lick over his bottom lip.

“That would be a shame. I am really invested,” he quips. I have no clue if we are even talking about the apartment building anymore. Another sip grips my attention again, and I watch it work its way down his throat.

“Listen, Luka, I don’t want to get in the way of your life. I think I can get my job back or stay with my mom until I can find another place.” I take a large sip of coffee and wince; it’s burning my esophagus.

“No, Kate. You will stay with me,” he says, the finality in his tone stirring more butterflies in my chest.

“Can I get my job back?”


“What? Why? I’ve been saving for something, and I need to keep working,” I say, but it’s coming out borderline pleading.

His face softens, “I will pay you triple what you were making.”

“Pay me to do what?” I refuse to be the charity case or the woman Luka feels responsible for.

“I have some things you can help me with in the office. Simple things: paperwork, some spreadsheet work, logistics. Believe it or not, we do run an above-board imports business that requires minor effort on my part.”

I snort. A minor effort for a multi-billion-dollar business—that’s rich. I need a job to save for school, and my pitiful savings aren’t going to get me there any time soon. Do I think working for Luka is a good idea? No, but as I study the man across from me, I know I’m not ready to step away. I nod, and his gaze roves over me. I’m naked, exposed, and utterly defenseless against this man.



It’s been over a week since I’ve been back at Luka’s and trying to help him at his office. Key word: trying. Every morning I get up at 4 a.m. and meet Luka by the penthouse elevator for Ivan, his personal driver, to take us to the office. It’s only a five-minute drive from his penthouse, and it baffles me that we take a car, but it’s Luka.

Ivan was nice when I met him. He’s introverted and quiet, taking in everything around him. Luka is quiet in a brooding way, but for Ivan, it’s as if he’s deep in thought all the time. The only time he speaks to me is to say ‘Good morning, Ms. Castile’ before opening the door for me.

The tension between Luka and me has been swept underneath the rug when I came back to the penthouse. He’s been busy dealing with the investigation, and I’ve been busy trying to help where I can. I’ve mostly been sitting with Natallia this past week. She has been helpful in teaching me the programs on the computer and showing me how Luka prefers things done. Except I never see him.

He’s been sequestered in his office, men coming in and out for meetings, and even Nik limped through the office.

I finally called my mom with my new phone and gave her the update. I let her know I was working at a new job, and that I was staying with a friend after the accident at my current place. I managed to work in the white lie I was getting a healthcare stipend from my new employer that covers some therapy. I shared with her that it would be encouraging to see her go.

She hesitated at first, but we spoke about it, and I sent her some therapists in her area. She agreed to try. I teared up in front of Ilena when I finally got off the phone with her. A dream that I’ve had since I was eleven is for my mom to get the help she desperately needs and deserves. Ilena gave me a hug as I cried in the kitchen. Her words stuck with me.

“No one deserves to be a slave to their own mind. I’m glad she is getting the help she needs.”

She then slid a jar of pickles in my direction, and we both had a good laugh.

I even tried to get a hold of Derek. I wanted to let him know I was okay and to thank him for checking up on me, but I didn’t get an answer. It shocked me when Nik mentioned he had been by the apartment.

Things were in a semi-enjoyable groove. I flourish in my work with Natallia and spend time with Ilena in the afternoons discussing Russian culture and the latest episodes of her reality TV binge. Plus, I’m finally starting to save for vet school again.

The only thing not thriving is my communication with Luka. He is avoiding me, and I don’t see him outside the five minutes we travel to work. He is often at the office much later than me, so Ivan drives me back home, where I have dinner with Ilena, and I’m in bed before Luka comes home.
