Page 79 of Heritage of Blood

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“I’m good, just got back home and I’m going to have some dinner.”

I mentioned in passing that I was staying with someone, but I didn’t tell my mother about Luka. Mostly—or I guess selfishly—because I didn’t want the twenty questions that would inevitably come if I mentioned I was staying with a man. But also, because I’m not sure what connection my mom has to Antonio anymore. From what I gathered, they stopped talking shortly after I was taken. He would occasionally call fishing for information, and I know he dropped by with some expensive wine at some point, but she doesn’t mention him. I’m hoping that means he is out of her life.

“How was therapy? Did you have a good session?”

“I did, my therapist said I was doing well. She also encouraged me to explore some inpatient alcohol rehabilitation centers to help with that part of the addiction. She gave me a list of some she is partnered with that way I could continue my appointments with her.”

“That’s great, Mom. Do you think that is something you’d be willing to do?”

“I think I would like that. I’m exhausted with myself, the endless cycles. I want better.” The wistful voice pouring out of my mom is one I haven’t heard in a long time. The prickling of tears fills my eyes.

“I’m happy to hear that, Mom. I will come look at facilities with you.” I cover my mouth with my hand trying not to let my trembling voice worry her.

“I know it will be expensive. But I think if I sold the house and took what I had in savings, I think I could make it work.”

The relief from a moment ago vanishes and I close my eyes taking a deep breath. She is not going to sell that house—at least I don’t want her to. That was the one she and my dad bought together, the house they brought me home to. That little house is full of loving memories and painful hard times, but it’s home.

“Do you want to sell, Mom? Because I can help with the program, you don’t need to sell unless you think that’s best for you and your healing.”

“No! I’d love to stay in the house, I love that place. But it is only that. A house. My relationship with you is more important, and the memories are with me, not the house.”

I breath deep, filling my lungs. “I’m proud of you, Mom. We will look soon.”

We finish up our conversation, and when I hang up the phone, a smile is plastered to my face and I’m not sure what could knock it off. The ups and downs with my mom are emotional and challenging, but hearing her talk tonight, I hope the climb up is a long one.

I come bounding down the hallway, running right into Luka. He steadies me, immediately frowning, while wiping my tears.

“Kate? What’s wrong? Why are you crying?” He glances past me toward the terrace trying to see the reason for my tears. Offering him a smile his face relaxes a bit.

“I’m happy. My mom said she was ready for rehab and is going to let me help her. Are we still on for our deal?”

“Deal or no deal Kate, I’d do anything to see you happy,” he says. There is an earnest quality to his voice. I fist his shirt and pull him to me, capturing his mouth. Our kiss is deep but slow and savoring. He cradles my head, pressing into me even further. I’m utterly lost in his kiss—for this man. He breaks the kiss too soon. I wrap my arms around him, feeling him tense before hugging me back.

He gazes down at me, eyes filled with something I can’t put my finger on, then he steps away, holding out his hand for mine.

“It’s time for dinner.”



The week leading up to the election has been stressful. We’ve had shipments lost, missing crates, and endless issues with Cosa Nostra men. They haven’t thrown anything significant our way, but the little break-ins, missing Bratva men, and other annoying things have added up. I’ve barely been home or in the office, mostly in the car, the demand of my title as pakhan rearing its head. All week I’ve been trying to get home earlier or go into the office during actual work hours, but I’m failing.

I want to see Kate—I need to see Kate. When three of our men went missing, assumed to have been picked up by the Cosa Nostra, I lost it—the darkness in the corners of my mind pulling at me.

Kate is the fresh air I need, a joyous distraction, something good in my world of wrong. I hadn’t realized how much I’ve come to rely on her tethering me. I fight the urge to run away from my responsibility to her. In a sick, twisted game of fate, I finally understand why my father said to avoid personal relationships. He said they were distractions—now I understand.

However, tonight's election results will come in for Senator Hope. We’ve paid millions to get his greedy ass reelected and we need his influence. Stepping out of the bathroom, I head for my closet, grabbing my suit from its bag, my fingers seeking the friction of the fabric, as I rub it between them.

My worry though, is not solely about Senator Hope. I’m bringing Kate, and while she has had a taste of my world, she has been shielded from others on purpose and for her protection. But tonight, she will step into the underworld universe where men abuse women, trade young girls, and think themselves indestructible—able to take what they want. My fist is clenched at my side. The desire to throw a punch through the mirror where I stand is overwhelming. It’s a funny thing, the push and pull of emotions warring within me.

I want Kate by my side, but don’t want her in my world. The irony of that is not lost on me.

I grab my black tie and tie it around my neck before grabbing my cuff links. I think back to Kate in the gown shop, the appreciating awe on her face. My mind has been on Kate all day, thinking about her in her dress. I didn’t see the one she ended up picking, I had Vera charge it to my card. But it’s been over a week since I’ve had my mouth on hers and need courses through me.

I finish up, glancing at my watch for the time, then head to the living room to wait for Kate. A message sounds from my phone; Ivan letting me know he is here. Nikolai has yet to respond to my messages, asking if he is on his way.

The click of Kate’s door opening has me tucking my phone back away.
