Page 80 of Heritage of Blood

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She is exquisite. My fist moves to my mouth and as I gnaw on my knuckle, I take her in. Her sparkly blue dress hugs every curve. The plunging neckline giving me a peek of her, and when she walks—a tan thigh is exposed—the slit running all the way down to her heels. My fingers ache with the need to touch her, to pull her to me and inhale her sweet—

“Luka? Do you mind doing me up?” Her voice lowers and a flush breaks across her neck.

“Yes—I mean no, no I don’t mind,” I say.

She moves slowly toward me, my eyes glued to her face instead of the slit with her thigh peeking through. Reaching me she turns around, moving her blonde wavy hair to one side. Sapphire teardrop earrings hang from her ears and I can’t resist bringing my hand to the back of her neck, softly grazing her skin. The hair on the nape of her neck rises beneath my touch and I drag my fingers down to the dimple of her back. Finding the zipper, I pull it up, touching as much of her as I can, until I can’t zip it anymore. I trace the thin straps of her dress up to her shoulders, hooking one finger around to pull it down off her. Her coconut scent mixed with a floral perfume draws my lips to her neck, my featherlight touch grazing her skin.

“You’re gorgeous. This dress …”

A shiver runs through her, and more goosebumps raise the texture on her skin. I softly bite her shoulder, soothing it with my tongue.

“I’m going to want to kill anyone who looks at you tonight.”

She gasps. From my words or my mouth, I do not know, but she turns, offering me more of her beauty. I trace the strap of her dress with my finger and pull it back up. A ding from my phone draws me out of my trance.

“We have to go. Are you ready?” I ask. I do not want to take her in front of some of the most dangerous men, only to have her snag their attention.

“Yes, I’m ready. You look handsome, Luka. I still don’t think it’s fair you get to wear what you do every day. And here I have to stumble out of here on heels that make me walk like a baby giraffe.”

I snort.

“Trust me,malyshka, you do not look like a baby giraffe.”

The city is boggeddown with traffic, even for a Friday. But we make our way to the luxury hotel where the event is being hosted. It screams grand and elegant, but the people inside are far from it—notable figures with criminal ties and crimes a mile long.

And I’m one of them.

The limo that Nik sent for us pulls into line behind several others and we wait to get out. Ivan texted me before we left the penthouse saying Nik had sent a limo for us, and he would ride with him in the follow car. The irritation of him doing something without my consent was short-lived when Kate saw the long car and squealed, stating she had never ridden in a limo before.

For most of the ride here, she played with all the buttons, changing the lights and exploring the car. I found I quite enjoy watching Kate experience things for the first time and I want them. All her firsts to come. I want to take her home to Russia. To fly her to my house in Turks and Caicos. I want to be the one to tell her she has been accepted to vet school, and she can start in the spring.

The limo pulls up, and I step out, offering my hand to Kate who follows, the fabric of her dress spilling over each side of her thigh. I want to shove her back in the limo and take her home. Finally claim her as mine.

Because she is.


Instead, I let her hook her arm through mine and I escort her into the hotel. She gapes, noticing the grand entrance. An elaborate fountain, chandeliers, and luxury furnishings are the start. The architecture of this hotel is some of my favorite, with its blend of classic and contemporary styles. We make our way to the elevator, spotting Nik, and two guards on each side of him.

“Well, look who made it. Enjoy your limo ride?” Nik quips, offering Kate a kiss on the cheek. “Kate, you look lovely as always.”

The event is taking place on the rooftop bar, and as we step out, an infinity pool serves as the center point of the space, with tables and chairs arranged all around it. The panoramic views of the city are some of the best money can buy. Stepping out of the elevator, my eyes zero in on several men I know and catch Senator Hope, drink in hand and laughing in the corner.

“Word is he is up right now. One hour till the last polls close,” Nik voices in my ear. I nod and guide Kate to the bar.

“What would you like to drink?” Her eyes dart around, not one thing holding her attention. Her hands play with the satin of her dress. “Kate.”

“Hmm,” she answers, her gaze still drifting around the room.

I gently grab her chin, directing her to me. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing, it’s the servers.” She gestures discreetly around her to several members of the service team and the bartenders. “Used to be me. It’s a strange feeling.” I wrap my arms around her, breathing her in, while signaling the bartender.

“Vodka on the rocks and …” I pause letting Kate fill in her order.

“Champagne. Please.”

The bartender nods, placing two cocktail napkins on the bar. There are several large TV screens around the space, with the newsroom election results live streaming and many people are gathered around waiting to hear the final call. With our drinks in hand, I toss a hundred on the bar and guide Kate back to the table with Nik and my men.
