Page 95 of Heritage of Blood

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Wedding at 5 p.m. Don’t be late! Love you!

Kate must have hijacked my phone. Her good friend Lacy is getting married today, and Kate is a bridesmaid. If today is any indication of how she will be on her own wedding day, I’m screwed.

I formally asked Kate to marry me a month ago. We flew to Russia, and I booked a private suite for us, popping the question down on one knee with the Morozov family diamond. She said yes, and we spent a whole week exploring. When we got back, we visited her mother, who has a successful job, and when we told her about the marriage she shrieked, beaming with pride.

Ilena was also thrilled when we told her, already asking about babies to which Kate said, ‘Not yet.’ The thought of fatherhood terrifies me, but Kate tells me I have nothing to worry about. Though, the thought of Kate’s belly swelling with our child—

Nik knocks on the door and lets himself into my office. “He’ll be here in ten minutes.”

I nod. He finally called a meeting, three months after Antonio died. Our information says radical change has infiltrated the Cosa Nostra. Naturally, it piqued my interest when he wanted to meet. “Have Natallia let him in when he gets here.”

Nik pokes his head out of the office before shutting the door and heading to the bar. “Want one? I need all the help I can get.”

“Nyet. I have a wedding later with Kate.”

He shakes his head. “The redheaded friend, right?”


A few minutes later a knock sounds at the door. Nik and I both glance at each other and I nod at him, gesturing for him to get the door.

Salvatore Buscetta steps through, two of his men flanking him on each side. He is tall with an athletic build. Dark hair peppered with gray sits atop sun-kissed olive skin and his hazel eyes are piercing.

“Buongiorno gentleman.” His smile is wide, and unease settles somewhere in my gut.

“Mr. Buscetta.” I nod, taking my seat as he does the same across from my desk. Nik stands to my right, both his guards by the door.

“Please, call me Salvatore.” He’s charming for Antonio’s brother. I don’t like it.

“Mr. Buscetta,” I say. His eyes narrow slightly when I don’t call him by his first name. “You called for a meeting with the Bratva. What can I do for you?” The charming grin plastered to his face a second ago disappears.

“It is simple. We know you killed Antonio.” Nik’s hand goes to his waistband and both guards by the door also jump. Salvatore holds up his hand. “Antonio was on his own path for many years, using the resources of the Cosa Nostra for unsavory activities that our family did not want any part in.”

Interesting. We knew Antonio was unhinged, but to hear his own brother tell us he was operating outside the Cosa Nostra, disbelief is hard to shake.

He continues. “La Cosa Nostra and the Bratva have been enemies too long and with the tide turning for the family, I propose an alliance. An arrangement, so that when my father dies, our two organizations will not be at odds.”

I almost snort. The thought of my own father rolling over in his grave if he knew this was on the table right now, in which case, I’m primed to hear about it. “And what arrangement would that be?” I ask.


My blood boils and seething anger bubbles to the surface “Nyet,” I say at the same time Nik snorts a laugh. I am engaged and will be marrying Kate. Did he not do his research before he came here seeking an alliance? “I am engaged already, Mr. Buscetta.”

He smirks in my direction. “I was not talking about you, Mr. Morozov.”

Salvatore’s eyes move to Nik and the smile that was on his face a minute ago falls …

The End
