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Wells must see the worry in my eyes, the fear starting to creep up, ready to paralyze me. So he butts in. “They could have rented under a family member or friend's name, though,” he says, looking at Damien. “They could have borrowed a car from family or friends, too. It’s worth looking into.” They continue to stare at each other for a long minute, like they’re having an unspoken conversation right in front of me. Then Damien nods once and looks back at me.

“We’ll look into their friends and family, too. In the meantime, make sure you’re not going outside with Nala again without your mates or one of us. Okay?”


* * *

The rest of the day, Sunday, went by too fast. Because my mates were sleeping off a hangover, I grabbed my Kindle and started a new book, cuddled up in my nest with Nala. They didn’t wake up until mid-morning or afternoon. Even then, they were non-functioning. So I continued to read as they all, one-by-one, stumbled into my nest, looking worse for wear, and slept the rest of the day away. They didn’t start feeling better until last night when we all ordered take-out and went back to existing like degenerates.

“You all set?” Wells asks from where he’s leaning across the reception desk, flirting with our new beta receptionist, Penny. It must be some of his best work because her cheeks are so pink they match the bright shade of her lipstick.

I smirk at him, in good spirits now that the Monday blues are over, and ask back, “Are you? I can give you a minute to wrap things up.”

His answering laugh is throaty and makes Penny’s cheeks heat up even more. “Nah. We’re all set. Already got Penny girl’s number.” He leans over the counter to grab her hand, brings it up to his mouth, looks right into her eyes as he kisses her knuckles and murmurs, “I’ll call you tonight.”

The way he says it is so sexual that I look around the office to make sure nobody overheard. Poor girl. If I wasn’t so in love with my pack, I think I’d almost be jealous. That’s how much charm he threw into it. He places her hand back down and walks towards me, where I’m waiting near the elevators. When he reaches me, he throws his arm around my shoulder and guides me the rest of the way toward the doors, pushing the button when we reach them. It’s nothing sexual in nature, his touch. But hearing him talk to Penny just now, I’m beyond grossed out with his arm around me, so I elbow him hard in the ribs and step away, shuddering as I do.

“Gross, Wells. Don’t touch me after you talk like that. It’s weird.” We step into the elevator together; he pushes the button for the main level and just chuckles.

“Whatever you say, Winter.” He’s taken to just switching out my name for each season. Yesterday, I was ‘Spring’ because he’s clever like that.

“What happened to that other girl, anyway?” The elevator door pings, letting us off at the bottom as I ask him the question.

“Which one?” Wells walks slightly in front of me, just as he has every day since the run-in with Amanda. Within reaching distance and close enough to my side so I don’t feel like he’s guarding me, but a little ahead of me so he can jump in between me and anyone who might pose a threat.

Sometimes, it’s easy to forget that he’s paid to be here. Our friendship has been so effortless since day one. More so than with Damien or Houston.

“The tall, blonde omega from the coffee shop,” I say at the same time as I murmurthanksto him for holding the door open for me as we step out into the parking garage.

I didn't even hear his answer because a car is parked next to the SUV today. One I recognize. Maverick is leaning against his Jeep, one foot kicked up on the tire, with a stunning bouquet of flowers held at his chest. The setting sun shines in from the street and lights up his handsome face, making my heart squeeze. If love were a physical thing, I’d imagine it as a vine. It starts out small and then grows and grows inside you, wrapping itself around your heart and brain and through everything vital, consuming you.

That’s the way he makes me feel, the way they all do. Just by existing. And it’s not in a suffocating way. More like the vine is wrapping me in a warm embrace, with large, smooth leaves rather than thorny stems.

A snort sounds from behind me that I assume comes from Wells at the surely lovestruck look on my face. To which I promptly ignore him and hurry toward my mate. Mav opens his arms at my rushed approach, and I leap into his arms, wrapping my legs around his waist and squeezing the life out of his neck. His laugh travels through me, and his deep voice rumbles through my chest. “Hey, sweets. I missed you, too.”

I pull back to look him in the eyes, pausing just long enough for him to wrap a stray piece of hair behind my ear. The look he gives me is adoring and filled with the same kind of love I feel for him. With my arms still wrapped around his neck, I pull his face to mine and slant my lips over his in a hungry kiss. Too soon, he pulls back.

I pout at him, to which he grins and says, “As much as I’d love to stay here kissing you, we’re already cutting it close on time.”


“Time? For what?” My legs loosen from his waist, and he sets me gently down on the ground so I don’t wobble and topple over in my work heels.

“That’s a surprise.” He hands me the flowers and opens the passenger door. “For you, m’lady.” With a roll of my eyes and a shake of my head, I hop into the passenger seat, and the door closes after me.

Through the door, I hear Maverick’s slightly muffled voice saying Wells can take off for the night. One look at Wells’ face, and I know he’s not going to be doing that. Sure, he nodded an ‘okay’to Maverick, but he’ll just tail us. Follow from a distance, make sure I’m still safe. The wrath he would receive from Brooklyn if he didn’t is a good motivator. For anyone, even Wells in all his six foot two, two hundred twenty pound glory. She’s already made it abundantly clear that one of them willalwaysbe with me. At least until Jade and her pack are out of the picture. That’s why they’re working three eight-hour shifts. So one will always be able to get a full night’s sleep before their turn to babysit… I mean,protectme.

Maverick hops in the driver’s seat, winks at me without giving me any hints as to where he’s taking me, and then pulls out into traffic from the parking garage.

The drive is silent. I don’t ask where we’re going, and he doesn’t offer any hints. Music plays softly in the cab of the truck, both of us just content to be in the other's presence. Maverick keeps his left hand on the wheel and his right on my thigh the whole drive. The steady, firm pressure eases the tension that had steadily coiled inside me during work. Just from being on my feet running around the office all day and trying my best to absorb the information Brandon was feeding me like a sponge.

“We’re here,” Maverick says, giving my thigh a squeeze and pulling me from my thoughts of work.

I look up, and my eyes focus on wherehereis. The Jeep is parked in a small lot of a strip mall. Well, maybe mall is too loose a term. It’s just a few shops. The setting sun shines on the storefronts, so it’s easy to make out each space. There’s a hair salon at the far end, what looks to be an omega nest shop next to it, a tattoo parlor, and finally, a Chinese food restaurant that we are parked in front of at the other end. With a look of confusion, I turn to Maverick.

“You’re taking me to dinner?” I mean, Iamhungry, and I really appreciate any date they want to take me on, but with the way he made it so secretive, it seemed like it would be…grander, maybe? Not in the sense that I’d expect more lavishes, but we went to dinner the other night, too, with not half as much fuss.

“Nope.” His lips make a popping sound on the ‘p’ while he hops out of the car and runs around to my door to open it for me. “Come on, hop to. We’re running late.”
