Page 20 of Caleb

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And then he’s gone. I'll be sure to clear things up with him the next time we talk.

Sure, sure you will.

* * *

"Caleb, didn't you get enough to eat at breakfast? I'm sure I saw you take a second serving of pancakes. And sausage too."

Dang. Busted by Midge. Not that she's stingy with the food or doesn't overfeed all of us, but I was sort of hoping to grab some food and get on my way to Alex's. I’ve been counting the hours since I left her yesterday afternoon and I’m eager to see her again.

Kiss her again.

And more.

"I just wanted to make a sandwich. I'm going out for a drive and thought I might be gone for a while."

Midge's gaze glides over the assortment of foods I have on the island in the massive kitchen which is her domain. "How long you plannin' to be gone?" She quirks a brow at me.

I force myself not to look away. Midge is like McGruff the crime dog when she wants to find something out and I don't want to give her any reason to be suspicious.

Well, no more reason than the container of potato salad, two sandwiches, fruit, cookies and two slices of pie that I've gathered together.

"You swallow a tapeworm or something?"

"No, I just like your cooking." Damn it. The woman is making me squirm.

Midge is our housekeeper. Technically. In reality, she's more like our surrogate mother, priest, guard dog and referee all wrapped up in one. She and my mom were best friends and Midge was always here helping out. And when our parents died, well, Midge just kind of filled that void. As much as anyone could, at least.

And I'll give Midge credit. She never tries to be our mom. No one could replace her.

But I don't know what we'd do without Midge, either.

She crosses her arms over her chest, eyes twinkling. "Well, whoever she is, I'm sure she'd like to have some of this apple cake too." She cuts off two generous slices and puts them in a container. Then she goes into the pantry and retrieves a picnic hamper and hands it to me before she leaves the room.

Busted by Midge, again.

I stack the food in the basket, along with some cold packs from the freezer and a few drinks.

Midge returns and hands me a big picnic blanket. “You might need this,” she says with a knowing smirk.

I thank her, tuck the blanket under my arm, grab the basket and leave. As I make my way to the front door I hear her laughter all the way down the hallway.

* * *


"No, I'm fine. It was just a kitten under the porch. I probably shouldn't have mentioned it."

"Well, it sounds like you're doing okay on your own if you're able to handle a wild kitten attack." Nicco chuckles and suddenly I miss him. Miss our laughs and the good times we had. Used to have. Before fame took over and we both got caught up in an uncontrollable wave.

"I haven't heard any news in days. I hope I'm not on the front page." I broach the subject even though I'd rather forget all about it. Forget about Xandra, the crowds, the photographers. All of it. A weight settles over my chest.

"Well, that's part of why I called." There's a pause and that weight on my chest spreads down to my stomach. "Someone at the hospital leaked photos of your empty room."

"But, I thought..." My head spins. I can't even focus.

"Yeah, I thought they were discreet too. That's the whole idea. I mean an Academy Award winner was two doors down having a nose job and a chin lift and everyone thinks she's on her honeymoon. I guess she is, since her new husband was across the hall having some work done as well."

Just hearing about celebrities and the list of beautification procedures nearly sends me into a panic attack. I don't know this Academy Award winner or her new husband, but even at age twenty-five I've had a couple of people mention "work" I could have done.
