Page 22 of Caleb

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I think that last time I was on a picnic was when I was twelve and Trisha Barnes and I took peanut butter sandwiches and thermoses of milk out to a field behind her house.

Trisha. I wonder what she's doing now? It's like I've been cut off from the world and living in a bubble.

There's another tap on the door and Caleb calls out my name. My heart speeds up and I trot to the door to let him in.

He's freshly scrubbed and looks extra delicious. Not that he wasn't hot as hell yesterday in his scruffy clothes and a bit of sweat and grime, but I like just-showered Caleb better. Before I can say hello, he puts a hand around the back of my neck and draws me to him, claiming my lips in a kiss that leaves me breathless.

"Hello," he says once the kiss ends.

"Hello," I whisper. He kisses me again and this time I slide my hands around his waist and press them to his back. He's all hard muscle and sex appeal. My fingers can feel the muscles of his back as he moves to draw me against his body.

This kiss is carnal and by the time it's over I'm clinging to him and my breath is coming in sharp pants. His eyes are bright and they bore into my gaze. "We probably ought to get going," he says, though his voice sounds strained. "Or we might not leave at all."

It's on the tip of my tongue to say that I don't think that's such a bad idea, but after my previous flubs—the whole lube discussion comes to mind—I simply nod and say, "Yes, you're right."

I grab a jacket and the cabin keys. When we get to the porch, Caleb holds his hand out to me. I put my hand in his but he says, "This is nice, but I meant for you to give me the key."

I blush and hand it over. He locks the door and then tries the lock to double check. "Wait here," he says, then he trots around the side of the house and I hear him try the back door as well. "Okay," he says when he returns. "All secure."

"Is it really dangerous out here?" I ask.

"Well, we can't have another stray kitten trying to get in." He gives my ass a teasing smack and I gasp and gape up at him.

He takes my hand and leads me to the truck. On closer inspection I can see that it's in much better shape than I would have expected. The body is nearly rust-free and shiny with a just-waxed finish.

He opens the door and helps me in, then buckles my seatbelt, leaning over me to make sure the clasp is secure. He's so close, I can smell his aftershave. My whole body tingles and I wonder if he can tell. He turns his head and gazes at me, then gives me a wink.

Oh lord.

Achy pulses form between my thighs and I'm tempted to suggest we just go back into the cabin, but he closes the passenger side door and goes around to the driver's seat. "We'd better get going before I change my mind," he says. I bite back a chuckle. We're thinking the same thing, it seems.

The interior of the truck is in good shape too. Dated, for sure. But it's been lovingly maintained.

Caleb is obviously a man who takes care of the things that are important to him.

I'm starting to hope I might be one of them.

* * *


It takes a serious amount of determination not to drag Alex back into the cabin and do depraved things to her all afternoon and night.

But no, I've promised her a picnic and I'm determined to find out more about her before I get in any deeper.

That might not have been the best choice of words. Deeper is what I want for sure. I shift around in the seat and try to conceal the way my cock is hardening.

And yet again, I grind my gears leaving her driveway. The screech is loud and she glances my way. "You seem to have an issue with that," she says. "Maybe your gears need to be greased."

The heat in her gaze says she's not talking about mechanical things.

"Maybe we ought to listen to some music," I say, reaching for the dial. "What do you like? Country? Pop? Classical?"

She looks surprised then says, "I like all types of music. What do you like?"

"Well, I generally prefer country, but with this old truck, I have to take what I can get sometimes."

We're on the main road and she covers my hand with hers. "Why don't you let me do that while you drive."
