Page 39 of Caleb

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"I've missed you too, sweetie," I say, ruffling her hair. "And you too, James." I ruffle his hair as well. He's a little less demonstrative than Willow, but he smiles and looks pleased at the attention.

"Who's that?" Willow points at the truck.

"That's my friend, Alex." I detach myself from Willow and go over to open Alex's door. "Alex, this is my niece, Willow and my nephew, James."

"Hi!" Everyone says at once. Alex looks a little shell-shocked at the exuberant greeting. I hope she survives meeting the whole family.

"Well," I say, taking her hand, "we'd better go in and meet the others. I promise, they won't bite, but it can be a bit overwhelming."

She takes a deep breath. "I'm used to performing," she whispers to me.

"Hey," I say, leaning in close so the kids can't hear, "no performing. Just be you. They'll love you. Just like I do."

She snaps her gaze up to mine and our eyes lock for a breathtaking moment. "Good," she says, then leans in and whispers, "I love you too, Caleb." She takes my hand. "Let's go."

* * *


I’ve performed in the largest venues around the world with tens of thousands of screaming fans waving their arms and cameras at me while my image is plastered on jumbo screens all around me.

And that’s nothing compared to the nerves I feel at the prospect of meeting all of Caleb’s family. Names and details swirl around in my brain. There’s Boone and Deacon and Lissy and … oh, it’s just so much.

I glance up at the imposing visage of the main house and gulp.

Willow runs over and takes my other hand.

“Hey, Willow, why don’t you go on ahead and tell Midge we’re here?”

“Oh, she already knows. She’s the one who sent us out here to say hi.”

Caleb chuckles. “I bet she did. Well, please go inside. Alex and I will be there in just a minute.”

“Are you going to kiss her?” Willow asks, stopping in her tracks to look up at us. “My mom and dad do that all the time. So do Adam and Kit.” She has a disgusted look on her face. “Boone doesn’t kiss anybody, though. I like Boone.”

Caleb points at the front door and says, “Go!” Both kids laugh and race for the house.

“They’re good kids, just sort of excited to meet someone new,” Caleb says.

“I like them,” I say and I mean it.

“Willow did have a good idea,” Caleb says and takes me in his arms. “Welcome to North Starr Ranch.” His mouth covers mine and all my nerves disappear. Everything feels just right.



That kiss calmed me and when I enter the big house, I feel instantly relaxed and welcome. The living room has huge two story windows with a gorgeous view of the ranch.

It's not as though I haven't been in grand homes. I even own two or three myself. But there was something about the main house at North Starr Ranch that felt different. Warm and welcoming. Homey.

"Do I smell cookies baking?" I ask, incredulous.

Caleb takes a whiff. "Yep, I'd say so. I'm guessing chocolate chip. Midge is an excellent baker. In fact, she's outstanding at just about everything."

"Is Midge the 'neighbor' who provided the goodies for our picnic?" I ask, now things are making more sense.

"Yes," Caleb says. "I hated not telling you the truth. Though she is sort of my neighbor. We all live together here."
