Page 40 of Caleb

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"It's about the size of an apartment complex," I say and giggle. Then another thought occurs to me and I feel myself going pale. "Oh God. Is Midge also the one who packed the picnic blanket?"

"Of course I did," a smiling middle-aged woman says, strolling into the living room. She tucks a kitchen towel into the waistband of her jeans as she's moving our way. She stops in front of us, gives Caleb an up and down look and says, "You're going to need to shower before dinner."

I burst out giggling.

Then she turns to me. "You must be Alex." She clasps my hand in both of hers. "So glad to have you here." Her hands are warm and so is her smile. "I hope you like cookies fresh from the oven. We'll have some while Caleb gets himself presentable."

Midge takes my hand and leads me down a hallway, calling over her shoulder to Caleb. "You'd better hurry up or there won't be any cookies left."

I'm a little stunned by the way she bosses Caleb around, but there's such affection in her manner, it's sort of cute. I realize Midge is the replacement mother around here. As we stroll along, I think about the family members no longer here. Did Caleb's mother pick out the furniture in the living room? Did his father like to sit at the kitchen counter and drink his coffee?

I never knew them, and I'm sorry about the missed opportunity. The way Caleb talks about his family, it almost seems like a fairy tale. A fairy tale laced with tragedy.

Willow and James are already sitting at the kitchen island with milk and cookies. "Miss Alex, sit by me," Willow calls out. She even slides a couple of cookies in my direction.

Midge gives her a look and Willow ads, "Please."

Midge ruffles her curly hair. "Good girl."

I take the seat next to Willow and Midge pours me a glass of milk. "Unless you'd rather have coffee?"

"No, I think milk and cookies is just what I need at the moment."

"I like to dunk mine," James says, but when he lifts his cookie out, half of it falls into the glass of milk with a splash. Midge hands him a spoon and he happily fishes it out.

"I was surprised when Caleb mentioned bringing people for dinner," Midge says, taking a seat next to James. "I didn't know he was seeing anyone." Her manner is frank and curious. I guess I can't blame her. I'm rather curious about the whole thing too.

"It happened rather suddenly and unexpectedly," I say, dunking a cookie into my glass of milk, careful not to let it stay in too long lest I lose half of it like James did.

"Where did you meet?" Willow asks. "My mommy and daddy met in school when they were kids and then they had a fight and now they are married."

"That sounds interesting," I say, taking a bite of my cookie. "Oh Midge, these are fantastic. Thank you."

"But Uncle Adam and Kit met in a hotel. I haven't heard all the details of that, though. They never want to tell me. No one ever tells me anything." Willow pops the rest of her cookie in her mouth and reaches for another one.

"Two is enough for you, Willow. You too, James. Don't want to spoil your appetite for dinner." Midge picks up their glasses, wipes their places with the kitchen towel in her waistband and sends them on their way. "Time for you two to scoot."

"Yes, Aunt Midge," they both say as they leave.

"And no eavesdropping," she warns. "I'm going to check."

I watch the kids leave and realize I'm smiling. "Looks like they keep you on your toes," I say to Midge when she sits back down.

"Oh, they do. But I love the little scamps. Always good to have some kids around. Keeps the rest of us young."

I laugh. "You're not old."

"Ah, are you trying to butter me up for more cookies?" She laughs and passes another one my way.

"No, but I'll still take it."

We sit for a moment and eat, then Midge squints and leans my way. "Are you sure you haven't been to Chickadee Ridge before? You sure look familiar."

I nearly choke on my milk.

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