Page 41 of Caleb

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I rush through my shower. I'm eager to get back to Alex and I'm not super comfortable leaving her alone with Midge. The FBI should hire her for her interrogation skills. Especially when she plies the victim with cookies.

On the way down the hall, I run into Deacon. "Hey, Caleb. Haven't seen you for a couple days. I was getting worried but Willow tells me that you've brought a guest for dinner." He quirks a brow at me. "Care to tell me more?"

"I've left her with Midge, so I think I ought to get to the kitchen and save her. But you're welcome to come along and meet her."

The idea of introducing Alex to my family fills me with pride. Alex and I talked about it and decided not to tell my family about her famous other identity. Better to keep her secret.

I'm not sure how much of a risk there really is of people finding her out here. Or even looking. but then, I don't understand a lot of things that go on with the people online these days. And based on some of the videos Nicco showed me, I think there's good reason to be at least a little cautious.

I'm just not into the whole stardom and celebrity thing so I guess I don't really have any clue about what people might do. Nicco probably does have the right idea, much as I hate to admit it.

Which also reminds me that he hasn't arrived yet. I check my watch. I should ask Alex to check on him but first I need to check on Alex.

Deacon follows me into the kitchen and even though he's behind me and I can't see his face, I can envision the expression he has when we both see Midge leaning toward Alex and pushing more cookies on her.

Alex glances up at me and there's a distinct look of relief on her face. I go to her and put my hand on her shoulder. "Alex, I'd like you to meet my brother, Deacon. You've already met his kids, Willow and James."

She smiles broadly, probably from relief at being spared more probing by Midge, and puts her hand out to Deacon. "It's nice to meet you. Willow and James seem like great kids. You must be proud."

Well, that was exactly the right thing to say to get on Deacon's good side. He smiles broadly and clasps her hand. "I'm very happy to meet you, Alex. Thanks for saying that about Willow and James. They can be ornery, but I love 'em."

Deacon takes a cookie from the plate on the table and I do the same. "These are great, Midge, as always," I say. "I'm going to show Alex around."

I take her hand and lead her from the kitchen. We're both quiet until we get to the billiard room. We go there and close the door. Alex leans against me and I hold her for a minute. "Is everything okay?" I ask.

"Yes," she says. "It's just hard to keep a secret and I don't like fooling people. Not that I told Midge anything outrageous, but..." her voice trails off.

"I know. She can be a bit much, but don't worry. Midge will always have your back. I will too." I lean down and kiss her and we both revel in the connection even though there was only a short separation. This is all so new for both of us.

"Hey," I say as the kiss ends. "Where's Nicco? He should have been here by now. Can you call him?"

She smacks her head. "Man, I completely forgot about him. That's awful. Don't tell him I said that, he'd be very hurt." She pulls out her flip phone and pushes the auto dial for his number. I watch her face and when he doesn't answer right away she starts to look concerned.

I'll admit I am kind of worried too, but I don't want to say so. With his brusk manor, who knows what kind of trouble he could have gotten himself into.

She ends the call without leaving a message and puts the phone in her pocket. "What do you suppose is keeping him?"

I shake my head. "I have no idea."

I take her in my arms again and prepare to kiss her some more when a loud ruckus from the living room interrupts us. There's shouting. One male voice and one female voice. Alex and I look at each other and then take off for the door.

She gets out of the room ahead of me and I follow close behind. We both come up short when we get to the foyer and see my sister Boone dragging Nicco into the house. She's lassoed him.

"Alex, thank God you're here. Who is this crazy woman? Tell her I'm with you. She's insane." Nicco, two hundred plus pounds of muscle and steel, who clocked me a good one and sent me to the floor with one punch, looks genuinely afraid of Boone.

Well, it's the crazy ones who are the scariest and sometimes Boone can be a little...unhinged?

"I caught this guy trying to get in under the electric fence out by The Love Knot. He says he knows you and," she turns and notices Alex for the first time, "and you too. I assume you're Alex."

Alex, jaw hanging slack, nods.

By now everyone in the house has come running. Midge, Deacon, Lissy, Willow and James. Adam and Kit must be in the office building.

Willow and James move close and look at Nicco like Boone has captured a wild beast.

"Who's he, Aunt Boone?" Willow asks. She reaches her hand out like she wants to touch Nicco but then she thinks better of it and draws back.

Nicco is glaring at Boone and she's holding tight to the rope that surrounds his broad chest. It's like something out of an old John Wayne movie.
