Page 43 of Caleb

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"I hate the idea that I've involved you and your family in this mess. I ought to just go back and end this whole thing of people hunting me down."

"Is that what you want to do? To leave?"

I stare up at him, losing myself in the depths of his eyes. "No, I want to stay here. With you." I sigh. "But, I also have fans and I love performing for them. But on my terms."

Caleb nods. "I understand. And I think we can get that worked out. I'll contact our lawyer in Ponderosa Pass and maybe he can help."

"I've gone from only one person knowing I'm here to half the town plus a lawyer in the city," I say and panic starts to build.

"Hey," Caleb says, tilting my chin up and forcing me to meet his gaze again. "We're in this together. Remember."

"Okay," she says. "Together. That's not something I'm used to, but I'm willing to try. With you."

* * *


"No shit," Boone says when I tell everyone about Alex. She steps closer and gives Alex a good look. "I can see it now. But if I didn't know, I don't think I'd recognize you. You did a good job of disguising yourself."

"The disguise was all that stuff I wore on stage," Alex says. "This is the real me." She's been hanging tight to my hand since my family entered the room.

Kit is grinning and her eyes are wide. “I’m such a big fan. I can’t believe I didn’t recognize you.” She gives Alex a hug and then steps back, holding her hands together like she’s trying to keep herself from going all fan-girl on Alex. It’s sweet. Kit’s usually completely composed in every situation but meeting Alex has her flipped out.

"What can we do to help?" Adam says. The oldest in the family now, he's a take charge sort of guy.

"I don't know," Alex says, looking sort of lost. "I really hate bringing this problem to all of you. I don't think I'm in danger, but you never know. There are some weirdos out there and someone has offered a reward for finding me."

"That's awful," Boone says. "People shouldn't be hunted like animals."

"Says the woman who lassoed me," Nicco says dryly, though I notice he's standing next to Boone.

"Maybe Nicco is the best one to answer that question," Alex says. "He's the head of security and he helped me escape. Unfortunately our plan wasn't foolproof. I didn't even want to be gone that long. Just a few weeks." She sighs and the stress emanating off of her is nearly palpable. More than anything, I want to lift that burden for her.

Nicco clears his throat and steps forward to address everyone. "Alex was worn out and burnt out. She needed a break. But the contracts for her performances stipulated that the only way to get out of them was due to a medical emergency. Her father is her manager and he's a money-grubbing jerk who works her way too hard and never pays attention to what's best for her. Just his bottom line."

"So, we came up with the idea of her fainting on stage and being rushed to a private hospital. I have a cabin near here and an old army buddy of mine, Caleb Jenkins, keeps an eye on it for me. I thought it would be a good place for her to hide."

"How did you get involved?" Kit asks, looking at me.

"Well, Caleb asked me to stop by and check on her as a favor and since we're both named Caleb...there was some confusion."

"And you didn't do anything to un-confuse anyone." Nicco gives me a hard look.

"Un-confuse? Really?" Boone says. Man, the air between those two is sizzling but I'm not sure with what.

"If I may continue," Nicco says, crossing his beefy arms over his broad chest. "Everything seemed fine until one of the employees at the private hospital where Alex was supposed to be sold photos of her empty room and told everyone she wasn't there. That started a firestorm. Speculation. Rumors. Crazy theories. Alien abduction has grown in popularity lately."

"What about your family, Alex?" Midge asks gently. I suspect she knows the answer based on the kind way she's looking at Alex.

"My mother died a few years ago. My dad is my manager.”

"Isn’t he worried about you?" Midge shakes her head in disbelief.

"Only for the money he’s losing from me not performing." Alex says it matter of factly, but I can hear the hurt in her voice. I hurt for her.

"Well, I think you ought to stay here until we can get things straightened out," Adam says. "You'll be safe here. We've got Boone on patrol."

Boone shoots Adam a look that might slice right through a lesser man.
