Page 44 of Caleb

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"Nicco, I've set a place for you over there." Midge points at a seat next to Boone. Boone gives Midge a look similar to the one she gave Adam when we were in the billiards room. I hope I never do anything to make her look at me that way.

There's something inherently likable about Boone, despite her unconventional ways. Maybe that's what makes her so appealing. Must have been interesting growing up with three older brothers.

And a younger one. The story Caleb told me about his parents and brother Eddie has a whole lot more meaning now that I've met the rest of the family and seen the house where they all lived together.

But the scene between Boone and Nicco is too funny and I have to bite my lips to keep from chuckling. That doesn't stop Boone's brothers from finding massive humor in the situation.

"Be glad Midge didn't make you wash windows together," Deacon says with a laugh.

"Wash windows?" I ask before I can think better of it. I should just keep quiet and not cause any more problems for these nice people.

"Our mom used to make us wash windows together when we had a fight. One on the inside, one on the outside. You can only stay mad at someone for so long when you have to stare at their ugly mug through a window."

"She even made Deacon and I do that once when we'd had a fight back in high school," Lissy says. They all nod their heads at the fond memories and I have a pang of jealousy. I know that's ridiculous. Their mother is dead and that's a horrible tragedy. But the warmth of their bonds and affection for each other is something I’ve always longed for.

Well, the Starr family might be the wealthiest in the state, but they are also rich in so many other things. The things that matter most, I am coming to realize.

"What are you talking about?" Midge feigns innocence as she sets a platter of hamburgers on the table.

Nicco, without complaint, is sitting next to Boone. They're across from Willow and James. Sort of like the kiddie end of the table.

"I suppose you're a vegan or something like that," Boone says to Nicco with a challenging tilt to her head.

Nicco flexes his bicep at her. "Does this look like something tofu can do?" He takes two burgers from the platter. It might be to spite Boone but no doubt he can eat that much too.

Boone turns her head with a sniff though I notice that she seemed to have a look of appreciation for his biceps before she glanced away.

"Miss Alex," Willow says while chewing on a big bite of hamburger, "are you and Uncle Caleb going to get married? I was the flower girl when my mommy and daddy got married and I did a good job. I've got the dress and everything."

The burgers are delicious. Fresh and hot from the grill. I suspect the beef was raised right here on North Starr Ranch.

But Willow's question causes me to gasp and some food gets lodged in my throat. I cough and sputter. Caleb whacks me on the back and I spit the meat into my napkin in a very un-classy manner that everyone got to see since I was making such a scene.

"That's good to know, Willow," I say, taking a sip of water. "If I know anyone who needs a flower girl, I'll keep that in mind."

"But what about you? I only want to be a flower girl for people I like. Because that dress is sort of scratchy. I'd rather wear jeans but Mama says flower girls can't wear jeans. What do you think?"

Deacon comes to the rescue. "I think you need to focus on eating your dinner and leave Miss Alex alone."

"Yes, Daddy," Willow says with a bit of dismay. "Sorry."

"Nothing to be sorry about," Deacon reassures her. "But I think that you have to know someone for more than a few hours before you volunteer your super flower girl skills."

Willow perks up and gives him a smile. She's got ketchup in the corners of her mouth and it's about the most adorable thing I've ever seen.

For the first time in my life, I wonder what it might be like to have children.

* * *


"Midge, that was a delicious dinner. Can I help you clean up?" I've got a stack of dishes in my hands and she turns to take them from me. "Oh, thank you, dear. But I'll get these in the dishwasher in just a couple of minutes. Besides, I've got these two helpers." She nods toward James and Willow who each have a pile of dishes in their hands.

"I carried four this time and James has six, but he's older," Willow explains as she passes off her dirty dishes.
