Page 45 of Caleb

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"And I'm a boy. Boys are stronger than girls."

"Nuh-uh," Willow replies, whirling on her brother. "I'll arm wrestle you and prove it."

Midge takes James' dishes and then looks at her two helpers. "There will be no arm wrestling or wrestling of any kind, do you hear me? It's bad enough that Boone was out lassoing perfect strangers." Midge shakes her head. "This place is crazy," she says to me. "Are you sure you want to stick around?"

"Crazy is good," I reply and she nods.

"Why don't you go join the others out on the porch? You can help me clean up another time."

James and Willow have gone to get more dishes and I don't know why, but I'm hesitant to leave just yet. "Midge," I say, "Am I just bringing a lot of trouble to everyone here? It's not like I'm a criminal. I just want to take charge of my life."

Midge turns and looks at me. "I can sure understand your desire to run away from it all. Don't think I haven't had the same thought myself at times. And no one would send out a search party for me, either."

I raise my brows. I find it hard to believe that the Starr family would let her just disappear.

"But," she continues, "running away rarely solves the problem. Sooner or later it catches up to you."

I blow out a breath. "I know. That's what I'm afraid of."

"Well," she says, giving my shoulder a squeeze. "For tonight, you're safe and staying here. The rest will sort itself out. Head on out to the porch. I'm sure Caleb is wondering where you are."

"Thanks, Midge," I say and for some reason I can't quite fathom, I give her a hug before I leave the kitchen.

On the porch, all the members of the family are seated in various rockers and swings. Caleb is sitting on a wicker loveseat and he pats the spot next to him.

"Where's your guitar, Caleb?" Kit asks.

Caleb flushes and shrugs.

"You play guitar?" I ask. I guess there's a whole ton of things I don't know about him. And vice versa.

"Yes, he's quite good," Kit says and I can tell that Caleb wishes she'd drop the subject.

"Honey," Adam says to his wife, "asking Caleb to play for..." he glances over at Willow and James and pauses before he continues, "Alex would probably be a little embarrassing."

"Why would it be embarrassing?" James asks. "I think Uncle Caleb is good. He could do with some more hip songs, but he's still good."

"Please?" I say to Caleb.

"Will you sing along?" he asks.

Somehow, that seems like a huge ask, but I take a deep breath and nod my head. "Yes, with you, I will."

Turns out the guitar wasn't that far away and in a few minutes we're all singing along to old songs. I know everyone is expecting me to belt out a solo at some point, but it's nice to just enjoy the pleasure of music and singing. It's something I've missed for longer than I care to think.

Caleb leans toward me and sings harmony. Our voices blend seamlessly and by the time the song ends, everyone else has dropped out and we're the only two singing.

There's an awkward moment as we both realize it, blush and look away from each other.

"That was lovely," Lissy says softly. "Just perfect."

* * *


"Are you sure Boone will be okay?" I watch as Nicco and Boone take off toward the area where Nicco left his car. And Boone lassoed him. I still can't believe she did that.

"Are you worried about Nicco? Let me remind you that she's the one who dragged him into the house, not the other way around," Alex says with a laugh.
