Page 11 of Xalan Claimed

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I waited for Q’on to go back to his ship again, or go lie down on the couch, or whatever alien men did after they railed their first Earth woman, but he didn’t. Instead, he wrapped me up in the top sheets with him and snuggled close, resting his chin on my head. I settled in next to him, acutely aware of his cum dripping out of me.

So much for the clean sheets.

“So …” I ran a finger over a scaled pec. “Exiled, you said? Is that, like, permanent?”

He hummed, and I swear that rumbling in his chest was almost enough to get me started again. “If it were not, I would still not go back.”

“Even if they caved and let you mate any Xalanite woman you wanted?”

Q’on tipped my chin up with a finger, and I saw confusion written on his face. “Why would I want a Xalanite woman? I have found my mate.”

“I thought they killed Mili’ana.”

He smiled and stroked my cheek. “I was not speaking of Mili’ana.”

Realization took longer than it should have. I blamed the ridiculous afterglow buzzing through my system for me being so damn thick. “Oh! You mean—”

A scaled hand rested over my thumping heart, and I felt a tickle between my legs as his cock pulsed. “Yes. You are my chosen, Amber. Mytyr’il: the twin to my hearts. I am yours, and you are mine. I do not know how or why I was so fortunate to land near you, to have you be the first human I met, but I cannot deny that I am grateful now for my exile. I can now stay here without guilt; no obligations to my leaders, no concerns about returning.”

My alarm buzzed on the nightstand, and I jerked my eyes to see the early sunlight breaking on the other side of the curtains. Time for my daily Pilates before work, and sadly, time to get back to reality.

Q’on shot to his feet, fists clenched, and planted his fine, naked self between me and the blaring alarm clock. I grabbed his arm before he had a chance to attack the damn thing. “Relax! It’s just my alarm. I guess I’ve gotta get ready for work.”

Work. That reminded me that this whole crazy night was, indeed, crazy, and that I now had a major issue on my hands.

I may work from home, and I may live out in the middle of nowhere, but how long could I hide a freakin’ alien living in my house?

Chapter 7


Icame down off the sex high with a quickness when the weight of reality sank in.

There was an alien in my house. A real, live alien.

A really fucking hot alien who knew how to use his dual dick.

I skipped Pilates that morning. Instead, I took another hot shower, scrubbing my still-sensitive pussy with the loofah until I was sure I’d gotten every inch clean. Not that being with Q’on made me feeldirty, but I reasoned that maybe if I was clean I’d be able to think better.

Maybe if I couldn’t still smell him on me, I wouldn’t be distracted.

A whole laundry list of things to do popped into my head, and I started making mental notes. Groceries: I’d have to have more food in the house. Clothes for Q’on, because it turned out he’d ripped those skintight pants off when he caught me masturbating. Then I realized I had no clue how to entertain an alien, shy of just fucking life away. That wouldn’t last forever. He’d get tired of me eventually, despite his declarations of mating for life. Better find something for him to occupy himself with while I was at work. Stave off the boredom for as long as possible.

I dressed in loose pants and a tank top, adding a cardigan when I saw my nipples at full attention in the chilly house. Not that Q’on would mind if I walked around with them out in the open, but I hadn’t been raised to bare my chest all day.

That, and I wasn’t sure I could handle another long fuck like that on zero sleep. Best not to give him ideas.

Q’on sat on the couch flipping channels when I walked through to the kitchen to make coffee. He didn’t seem to care that he was nude, but I still vowed to get him some clothes to wear. If he was going to live on this planet, even just in my house, he needed something to cover …those.

Q’on also seemed to have found something to snack on. The sharpcrunchof whatever he was eating made me feel snackish despite not being a breakfast person.

As I lifted the coffee cup to my lips for that first heavenly sip, a loud knocking at the door startled me. I dropped the cup, which crashed to the floor, and spun around. Panic churned my stomach, and just the thought of not getting to the door before Q’on was enough to get the bile rising to the back of my throat. I ignored the shattered cup in favor of haste.

When I entered the living room, Q’on was off the couch, his Buns of Steel bared and hands full with some of the more nasty-looking weapons from his discarded pants.

Oh, fuck.

“Someone is assaulting your home, Amber! Stay back—I’ll protect you.”
