Page 52 of Just You & Me

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The light in Father's study shines down the long, dark hallway. The break in the darkness should be a relief, and yet all I crave is the shadows to swallow me whole.

I'm afraid.

I'm not naïve enough to think my parents will be accepting and kind. I'm not stupid enough to think me and my... baby... will come out of this happy and unharmed. Each step I take makes my tummy threaten to grow arms of its own and run away.


I snort, realizing how accurate that really was. I wonder when my little one will start growing arms. Will I start having morning sickness before then?

Who will answer my questions?

Mother probably won't for a long time. I just hope she will come around soon after I tell them. I have no idea what I'm doing.

"Come in, Rylee." My father's cold voice makes me jump. I didn't knock, but I suppose my self-induced chuckling and panicked breathing were enough to give me away.

Slipping inside as quietly as I can, I take in my father, downing the rest of the scotch in his glass. Beside him, my mother is staring into a mirror and fixing her makeup.

Are they going somewhere?

Hopefully, they don't leave too soon and see Mason outside. If things got bad, he promised to let me stay with him for a bit.

"Rylee, your father is speaking to you. Don't be rude." Mother's flippant tone tells me she couldn’t care less about my presence.

A scowl twists Dad's features, threatening my resolve to wither away. "Speak, Rylee."

"I-Uh."Fuck, how do I tell them I'm pregnant? There should be tips on condom boxes or something.

"We do not stutter!"

Jolting, a bead of sweat rolls down my spine at Father's harsh shout. "Please don't be mad." Silence. "I'm pregnant! Mason is the dad!" I rush the words out and squeeze my eyes shut.

I beg anything that's listening to flash me to the future where I'm holding my baby in my arms with the wide smiles of my parents surrounding us. Tate would be curled up beside me, stroking my child’s cheek. And Mason would be watching over the bundle with a proud gleam in his misty eyes.

Please, please, please!

"Ah!" My yelp accompanies the searing pain along my scalp. My knees burn soon after as I'm dragged away from my screeching mom. Kicking my legs out, I try to gain purchase on the hardwood floors, but Father is moving too fast for me to get my feet under me.

"Dad, stop! Please!"

I whimper when his hand tightens. "You are no longer a part of this family. You are a disgrace. Damaged. And a fucking police report rolled into one pathetic package."

"What?" I whimper just as the cool air of the night rushes across my heated cheeks and down my collarbones.

"Never come back."

Before I can catch myself, I'm being shoved through the front door. I'm barely able to catch myself on my bare elbows before my face hits the concrete. A sob bursts from my chest at the same time the doors slam closed.


I have to go back to him.

A fiery grip on my bicep is all I feel before I'm hauled to my feet and dragged down the stairs.

"Mason, no. I have to go back," I plead.

He jerks the passenger door open and shoves me inside, not caring that he bashed my head on the roof of the car. Hell, I don't even care. I just need to say goodbye to Tate.

