Page 88 of For Never & Always

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“I was hoping to find both of you!” He went to shake hands, and Elijah gave him a bear hug instead.

“Hannah stole my mom and my kids to go stuff them full of candy apples,” the lawyer said, “and my husband has been commissioned to settle a debate between a bunch of teenagers.”

“Hannah has been talking about how excited she is to see your mom all week.” Levi grinned.

Elijah laughed. “Why does everyone love my mom best?”

“Welcome to the club!” Levi turned to Laurence. “Are you ready for this showdown? I’m looking forward to getting my ass handed to me.”

Noelle and Hannah had schemed up a live cooking skills competition between the two of them, in a tent off to the side of the fairway, with a livestream and lots of hype. The purpose was mainly to have something interesting going on where people could sit down, and the prize was just bragging rights, but Levi found himself full of excited nerves. He had cooked alongside great chefs, and even better untrained home cooks, but this was against one of his best friends, in front of his family. It mattered more.

Laurence pushed his sleeves up over his tattooed forearms and winked. “I’m glad you’re prepared. I also think you probably have some places to be, Mister Famous in Australia. Some guests may need you to schmooze them.”

“Oh no, my wife has officially banned me from any schmoozing activities. Apparently the number of f-bombs I drop is ‘off-putting’ or something.” He shrugged.

“Your wife is very wise,” Laurence noted.

Jason Green emerged from the crowd. “I finally got rid of my students,” he sighed dramatically. “Speaking of teenagers, and Pride…”

“Why do I get the feeling you’re about to ask me for a favor?” Levi said, worried now.

“Did you know that I’m in charge of teaching sex ed to those hooligans?” Jason began.

“The high school has sex ed? Is it more than the one class Hannah and I got about how we were going to get pregnant and die of AIDS if we ever had sex?”

Jason shook his head, laughing. “Oh no, the high school refuses to teach sex ed, so a big cohort of local families got together and wrangled me into teaching it. We hold it at the UU church. And yes, it’s a lot more than one class. Every year, I have a panel where I invite a spectrum of LGBTQIAP2S+ folks to speak to the students about their experience. I’d love for you to join.”

Levi twitched a little. “You want me to go talk to the children of the kids who bullied me, about how it’s actually totally fine to be queer? Why don’t you ask Cole?”

“You don’t have to come if you’re not comfortable,” Jason said. “I definitely understand. But Cole’s not from here, so he can’t speak to the experience of feeling isolated and alone up here. And he’s not the Legendary Levi Blue. I have a lot of weird little queer kids who would benefit from it, if you’re up for it. It’s not until next semester, so think about it.”

“Ugh,” Levi groaned. “I’m going to go eat fried food and forget this conversation.” But he knew he wouldn’t, and that if he asked his support group, or Rabbi Ruth, they would all probably tell him to do it. He would worry about that later.

Jason pointed at Laurence. “You’re still coming to trivia next week?”

Laurence nodded. “Wouldn’t miss it,” he said around a mouthful of corn dog.

“And you”—Jason pointed at Levi—“are coming to Gay-b-que on the Fourth?”

Levi also nodded. “Noelle told me I would no longer be queer if I didn’t show up. With potato salad.”

“That is correct,” Jason agreed. “Doomed to a life of heterosexuality, all for want of a side dish.”

“I’ll be there. If I’ve finished cleaning up from this madness first.”

The lawn had been set up as a classic carnival, with rides and fried food stands and games of chance. Kids—and Cole—were screaming bloody murder on the Zipper, and Levi’s stomach turned over just watching it. Noelle was down at the end of the long center aisle, holding a funnel cake the size of her head and wearing a rainbow bow tie with a short-sleeved button-down in the lesbian pride flag colors. She waved when she saw him and pointed to a booth where Miriam was failing to knock down pins with a baseball. Levi gave her a thumbs-up and kept moving, feeling the need to set eyes on all his people and make sure they were okay.

The twins were passing out handheld sparklers and glow bracelets to everyone who came by. His parents were with his nephew.

A presence was suddenly at his side, and he looked down as Hannah’s arm snaked under his elbow. He dropped a kiss on the top of her head, breathing in the smell of her, roses, sweat, and sunshine.

“Hi, babe,” she mumbled, nuzzling her face into his shoulder.

“Aren’t we supposed to be Professional at this Work Event?” he asked, teasing her a little.

She grinned up at him, shrugging easily. “Who’s going to fire us? Besides, no one’s looking at us. They’re all drunk on lemonade slushies and turkey legs and being outside.”

“What about you? Are you having fun, or just stressing out?” He tucked an invisible hair behind her ear.
