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“Uh…” I try, but I’m really speechless. “Yeah, she’s right.”

Azrael sighs and runs his hand through his long strands of hair, which are no longer black.

They’re completely grey, as though he’s aged beyond his years from stress.

The only unique thing that proves a glimpse of his immense power is in the depths of his now golden eyes.

“Let’s just say the trials weren’t very kind to me,” he confesses and points to his left eye. “See. Even got a scar.”

“Fuck,” I curse and can’t help but reach out to trace my hand over it. He doesn’t flinch, but I bet it hurts. “Do you want me to heal that for you?”

“You can?” Blair asks in interest.

“I could,” I validate. “Asher gets scars far too often because he enjoys getting into fights. He’s too cocky for his own good.”

“Asher?” Azrael inquiries.

“Her ex-not-her-ex,” Blair points out with a smirk.

I just roll my eyes, though my attention is specifically on Azrael.

“The real question is, do you want me to heal it?”

He stares back at me for a long moment.

“Leave it,” he encourages with a small smile. If only it didn’t make him look so sad. “I think I need the reminder.”

“Reminder of the cruelty you experienced from the trial?” Blair inquires. “You don’t need to torture yourself, Azrael.”

“Nah.” He shakes his head. “Just need a reminder that I’ll never trust my brother again.”

“Wait.” I move my hand away but give him a stern look. “Alaric betrayed you?”

“Maybe.” His stern expression makes him look angered at the idea. “I wouldn’t have had this scar if he didn’t. Then again, a golden snake saved my ass, or else I would have died.”

“Golden snake,” Blair and I say in unison. “Ophira?”


We all jump to see the very snake slithering out from Azrael’s grey locks.

“Well, shit. Hello, golden savior,” Azrael greets and smiles. He looks exhausted, the lines under his dark circles proving he probably didn’t sleep last night. “Thanks for helping me out during the trials.”

“Hisssss!” She moves hypnotically from side to side, like a dance. Then she’s reaching over until she’s slithering onto my shoulders.

You honestly wouldn’t tell if she’s on you or not if she doesn’t make her cute ‘hissing’ noises.

“Hey, Ophira. Thanks for protecting Azrael,” I greet and praise. “We actually like him.”


“I’m glad to have someone who likes me here,” Azrael sighs. “Aside from my roommate, who’s pretty quiet, everyone is either giving deadly glares or plotting my murder.”

“Is that because of Alaric?” Blair questions.

“Could be. He’s telling everyone I tried to kill him during the trials.” Azrael shrugs. “I think that is why my mother says being calm can lead to your demise faster than being a loudmouth.”

“But calm people have a higher survival rate.”
