Page 42 of Infiltration

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His jaw tightened. He took a couple of seconds to respond. “You’ll be my Matara someday. We’re as good as promised, so you are my responsibility. You’re also the most vulnerable of my clan. I have to look after my Matara, even if it isn’t official at this time.”

“It will be. In my heart, we’re already clanned.” It was as good a moment to bring up a matter that had been on her mind for a few weeks. “You guys should think about us taking a trip to Haven.”

“To meet your mother and sister?”

“I think we should, as soon as we can swing it. We can do vid introductions first, then figure out when everyone can take a couple weeks off.”

Unlike most men who faced meeting future in-laws, Kuran seemed to find the prospect encouraging. “We’ll also have to introduce you to our parent clans.”

“You know, I never thought about you having parents for some reason. Good heavens, what sort of clan produced Etnil?”

He laughed, relaxing for real at last. “They’re a good bunch. Lighthearted, but Etnil’s the most outrageous.”

“They’d have to have good senses of humor to have raised him. I can just imagine the trouble he got in as a teenager.”

“They’ll tell you some crazy stories. He never knew his Nobek father, who died before Etnil was even conceived. When Etnil’s sister was on the brink of womanhood…she’s ten years older, he must have been around eight…he took his allowance and approached Nobek men, the biggest and scariest he could find, in the hopes of bribing them to join his parent clan and watch over her.”

Stacy laughed at the thought of a young Etnil trying to tempt Nobeks with what she imagined as the Kalquorian equivalent of dimes and quarters. “Only he would try such a thing.”

“That’s my Imdiko. His heart’s usually in the right place, but his execution is far from the norm.”

“Was your sister able to have children?”

“Not at first, but she was approved for a half-Earther embryo implantation from the Family Fertility Foundation a few years ago. She carried it to term, no problem. She has the cutest three-year-old daughter you can imagine. Her clan is considering adding a son soon.”

“How wonderful for her.”

A beep sounded from the control panel, and a voice told them they were entering Earth II’s secure zone. Kuran punched in the code enabling him to land without fighters being scrambled to greet them.

“Let’s decide how we can make these family meetings happen,” Stacy said before reluctantly switching to official mode. “Listen, can you get further information on Ken Bryant’s activities on old Earth? Was his marriage the only hint of a harmful interest in underage girls, or were there more?”

“Are you asking me to gather intel for your campaign, or is this strictly as a concerned official?”

“I won’t lie. If he’s a pedophile, I’ll see to it everyone knows. He won’t be elected as dogcatcher when I’m done.” Anger and disgust at the allegations against her lieutenant governor woke. She’d have to reign in the impulse to rip his dick off until she’d gathered all the facts. “I do need to be aware of my planet’s second-most powerful leader’s leanings and activities. If he’s a monster, he has to be replaced as lieutenant governor.”

“I’ll see what I can find out.”

* * * *


Yuder hadn’t been in his former apartments as a member of Clan Zarl since he’d been sent to prison. Then it had been only to spend a couple hours or so each day visiting his now-deceased Imdiko.

After receiving a coded message on his private com channel, he returned to what had been his home for over a hundred years, before Tara had become his life. He left his Royal Guards in the corridor, arriving early on purpose.

It was like entering a dream when he stepped in the greeting room. Staff had kept the place clean, as if the former Imperial Clan had just stepped out for the day’s activities and would return home that evening. He gazed at the seating areas, the firepit in the middle of the room…scentwood was even stacked close by, ready to burn cozily for guests. The bar’s mirror, bottles, and glasses twinkled on the far side of the space.

His gaze lit on the life-size portrait of his clan taking up nearly an entire wall, and his throat closed. The three men stood in a semicircle: Zarl in the middle, Yuder on his right, Tidro on his left. Zarl was at his most hale, uninjured by a would-be assassin. Tidro was older than the rest but young still, his hair showing a few skeins of the pure white it would become later. Yuder was unsmiling and watchful, but not grim. His face was unlined by age and bitter experience. Unlike now.

Seated before them was their beautiful, beloved Irdis. Her up-tilted eyes twinkled with humor, even in the painted portrait. Irdis, who’d not had the opportunity to grow old, who’d been taken from them far too soon.

In the curve of her arm, six-year-old Clajak grinned at the room. He’d been so young, so unaware of the pressures soon to fall on him, so secure in his family’s embrace. Yuder’s heart thumped with pride despite their last meeting ending poorly. Despite the tragedies and Yuder’s numerous mistakes, the boy had grown to become an exemplary man and ruler.

Yuder drew a deep breath to quiet the upsurge of emotions. He was glad the people in the portrait were happy. They had no idea of the tragedies lying in wait for them, and he thanked the Mother of All for giving them the brief window of innocence. Then he thanked Her for giving him Tara rather than leaving him alone in the end.

I should have spoken to Clajak about our wish to clan. It should have come before my attempt to gain his support for the other matter.

The thought reminded him of why he’d come to his former quarters. He turned from the portrait and headed for the other end of the dwelling. He moved down the long corridor, hurrying because he’d let time get away from him. He didn’t pause as he passed open doors, both because the minutes were passing before his Royal Guard attendants would eventually wonder why he was dallying in apartments he no longer lived in, and because he didn’t want to become caught up in bittersweet memories again.
