Page 11 of Silent Girl

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“Because my dad seems to think you’re the best thing since electricity was invented. And he’s made it my job to ensure you don’t get into any trouble.”

“Best thing since sliced bread,” I correct her.


“The saying, it’sthe best thing since sliced bread, not electricity,” I explain.

“Yeah, but that’s stupid. It’s easy to slice bread. Do you know how hard it is to live in today’s world without electricity? I don’t imagine it’d be fun,” she says.

What I don’t tell her is that Idoknow how hard it is to live without electricity—it’s fucking cold is what it is. Growing up, my mom would pretend it was a game. My brother and I knew better, but we always went along with her “blackout” rounds whenever the power was cut off. I very much doubt Little Miss Princess here has ever had to go a day in her life without all the modern comforts she has at her disposal.

“I’m hungry. Where’s a good place to eat around here?” I ask, looking to change the subject.

“You’re in luck. Eating just happens to be one of my favorite pastimes.” Aliyah smiles as she pushes to her feet, then turns and bends over to pick up her bag and coffee cup.

When she straightens and spins back around, I do nothing to hide the fact I was checking out her ass. Her delicious, heart-shaped ass that would fit perfectly in the palms of my hands. If she’s going to put it in my face, I’m going to look.

“Ready whenever you are,” I say with a smirk.

“Let’s go. I’m driving,” she says, walking ahead of me. “And stop staring at my ass,” she adds, while putting an extra sway to her hips.

“That ass was made to be appreciated, sweetheart,” I mumble low enough that she doesn’t hear me.


“Hey, Ms. Monroe, usual spot?” Cal asks as I walk into his restaurant, appropriately named Cal’s Diner.

“That’d be great. Thanks, Cal,” I reply and lead Liam, who is currently getting the death glare from Cal, over to the booth in the far back—it’s where I always sit when I come here.

The place is very 1950s. An American-style diner with a retro feel, complete with the jukebox that still plays vinyls. The booths are red and white, the floors a black-and-white checkered pattern, with an odd mixture of neon signs and random pinup girl posters scattered all over the walls. I’ve been coming here since I discovered the diner’s existence when I was fifteen, when it became a kind of sanctuary, a place I could go and be alone and not be bothered by anyone. It’s on the outskirts of town.

As Liam’s huge-ass body fills the seat opposite me, I’m wondering what the hell I was thinking. This is my spot. I don’t even bring Charlie here. But when Liam asked if I knew of any good places to eat, Cal’s immediately came to mind. The food is to die for.

Liam turns his head as he eyes the interior. I wish I knew what he was thinking. No, scrap that. I don’t care what he’s thinking becausehedoesn’t matter. He’s a job. That’s it. I don’t need to get to know him or learn his inner thoughts. I don’t need to know what his lips would taste like pressed against mine… how his hands would feel…

“Not really a place I was expecting a princess to frequent,” Liam says, turning his body back around and landing those dark blue eyes of his on me.

“I’m not the princess. That’s Amanda. And I’ll have you know this place has better food than any Michelin-star restaurant I’ve ever dined at,” I tell him.

“Who’s Amanda?” he asks.

“My friend.”

“What makes her a princess?”

“The fact that she’s literal royalty. She’s a duchess, not a princess, but that’s a lot closer to being a princess than I’ll ever be.”

“Sure, if you say so,” he says, then mutters under his breath. “Princess.”

I grab my knife from the table. “Call me that one more time. I dare you,” I bluff. I wouldn’t be able to stab him. I can’t stand the sight of blood, haven’t been able to since I was eight years old, but that’s a story for another time. I don’t need those kinds of thoughts in my head right now.

“So, what’s good?” Liam hums, picking up the menu, seemingly unfazed by my threat of violence. I don’t know what I was expecting. He’s a goddamn hockey player. Violence is in his blood. Me wielding a butter knife isn’t the least bit intimidating. He was more scared of that spider yesterday.

“Everything’s good here. But if you want to experience the ultimatefoodgasm, get the double beef and bacon burger paired with a strawberry shake.” I almost moan at the thought of sinking my teeth into that burger.

“A foodgasm? What the hell is a foodgasm?” Liam sets his menu back on the table and looks up at me with a grin.

“It’s like an orgasm, but better. You get it when you have the best tasting food ever.”
