Page 40 of Silent Girl

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It was a blissfully peaceful afternoon, alone, without distractions. I’ve managed to get all of my housework done, laundry included. I should be exhausted from everything I’ve accomplished in the course of a few hours. The problem is… I’m not. I can’t sleep, which is why I’m scrolling through social media at one in the morning.

I know I’m going to regret this tomorrow, this whole not putting my phone down and just trying to sleep. But every time I’ve tried, I see him. I remember the feel of his arms around me. I remember his lips, his tongue swirling against mine. And then I want to give in and touch myself. I want to pull my vibrator out of my top drawer and think of his body pressed up against me as I make myself come.

I’m refraining from doing that. Some part of me thinks that if I give in to my need, I’m also giving in to the attraction between us, and then it won’t be long before I want the real thing and throw myself at the man.

Liam King liked your photo.

The notification flashes at the top of my screen. Why on earth is he awake, and why is he stalking my page?

I open my messages and fire off a text to him.


Stop stalking my page. And you should be sleeping. It’s late.

Liam King:

Not stalking, just getting spank bank material, babe. Which I wouldn’t have to do if you were here.

I don’t even know how to respond to that. I think half the shit he says is more for shock value than anything else. Either that or he really is just brutally honest. Before I can come up with a reply, another message appears.

Liam King:

Why are you awake? What’s wrong?


Nothing is wrong. I just can’t sleep.

Liam King:

Did you have another nightmare? How often do you have them?


No, and not very often anymore.

Liam King:

Anymore? So you used to have them a lot?


When I was a kid, yes.

Liam King:

What are they about?

I don’t know what makes me type the words. Maybe it’s exhaustion, or maybe it’s the fact that the man, despite all his faults, is really easy to talk to. Or maybe it’s simply that I want to tell someone, anyone, to get it out of my own head. It’s not spoken about in my family.Sheisn’t spoken about. Whenever I ask about her, my father gets a pained look on his face, and my brothers… they just get angry. So I learned to not ask anymore. I don’t like upsetting them like that, especially when I know it’s my fault that she left.


My mother.

Liam King:

I see. Well, my mother slept with the coach of the Montreal Rangers. He bragged about her before the SC game.
