Page 75 of Silent Girl

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This time, when I stand, Liam lowers his mouth to mine. His arms hold tight around my waist as he pushes his tongue past my lips. I let myself get lost in his kiss—well, let’s be honest. I don’t think I have any other option but to get lost in his kiss. It happens every time he kisses me. I thought this feeling would wear off over time, but I’ve kissed this guy every day for the last few months, and this feeling is still just as strong as it was the first time.

Liam pulls away. “You’re doing it, babe. You’re skating,” he tells me.

I look down at my feet, which are slowly moving along the ice in sync with his. “Oh my god, I’m skating!” I say excitedly, and then my feet decide to wobble and give out from under me. I don’t fall though. Because, just like he promised, Liam holds firm, keeping my body upright.

“You’re so fucking cute,” he says, kissing me on my nose and then again on my lips.


Ishould have taken Aliyah’s warning about her friends more seriously. Fuck me, I’d rather go a round with all of her crazy-as-fuck brothers than be drilled by these girls. The minute I sat down, the questions started coming. Aliyah has been giving her friends death glares, which they all ignore.

“So what are your plans with Aliyah long-term? Can we expect wedding bells anytime soon?” her friend Charlie asks.

“Don’t answer that,” Aliyah says to me, and then turns to her friend. “Charlie, seriously, enough.”

“What? I just want to know what his intentions are and all,” the girl says with a smile. “Do you have four friends, Liam?” Amanda asks me.

I furrow my brows. “Why?” I’m not sure where she’s going with this question.

“Well, if you’re gonna marry our girl here, we’re all in the bridal party, which means you need to match the number. Four of us, four of them,” she says.

I have no idea what the fuck she’s talking about. “We’re eloping,” I tell her, because if planning a wedding involves all of Aliyah’s friends, then fuck that. I’ll just whisk her off somewhere quiet instead.

“No, we’re not. And we are not getting married,” Aliyah says.

“Yet,” I clarify.

“Aw, look! He so wants to put a ring on it,” Aliyah’s friend Nicole says.

“Oh my god! Stop, all of you. Leave the guy alone,” Aliyah hisses at them.

“It’s okay. I can handle it,” I tell her.

“You shouldn’t have to. They’re being ridiculous. I swear they are not usually this insane,” Aliyah says to me.

“Don’t listen to her. They are always fucking insane,” a deep voice calls out from the other side of the table. I whip my head around to find four men dressed in well-fitted suits.

“Why are you here?” Aliyah and Charlie ask at the same time.

“We gotta go. Breach on the home front,” one of them says. Charlie immediately stands and picks up her bag.

“Wait… What do you mean? What’s going on?” Aliyah asks.

“You too. Let’s go,” the guy says to her. Aliyah rummages through her bag.

“What’s wrong?” I ask her.

“My phone, I need my phone,” she says, finally finding it. She presses some buttons and puts the phone to her ear. “Gray, what’s happening?” I don’t hear what her brother says on the other line, but Aliyah’s eyes widen as she looks up at me. “Yes, he’s with me.” A few seconds later, she cuts the call and stands. “We have to go to my father’s house,” Aliyah tells me. The panic is gone from her voice and a more robotic version of Aliyah takes over. A version I’ve never seen before.

I stand from my chair, because she’s not going anywhere without me and honestly she’s freaking me the fuck out right now, then hold out a hand. “Come on, I’ll take you.”

The four men step in front of us. “Liam, these are Charlie’s brothers. Ignore them,” Aliyah says.

“We have four cars that will follow you—two from the front and two from the back. Do not try to lose 'em,” one of the brothers says before they all turn and walk away with Charlie sandwiched between them.

Once we’re in the car, I take hold of Aliyah’s hand. If I don’t, I’m worried she’ll chew her whole nail off. “What’s going on?” I ask her.

“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have let you get involved with me. But you are, and now I have to drag you along with this mess,” she says.
