Page 83 of Silent Girl

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“The Knights are top choice to win the Cup this year. Let’s keep it that way,” Jacob says.

“We’re going to win the Cup,” I tell him.

“If you can refrain from beating up your old coach long enough to score,” Vinny sneers.

Before I can respond to his comment, Aliyah picks up a fork and hurls it across the table at her brother. He easily dodges it and the fork hits the tiled floor behind him.

“Vinny, for the love of God, can we not just enjoy one meal as a family?” Jacob grinds out.

“Me? She’s the one who threw a fork at me.” Vinny points at his sister.

I look around the room. As fucked up as they all are in their own right, it took me sitting here at the dining table with them for me to realize that they are afamily. They’re fiercely loyal to each other and bicker like all hell. I never had this growing up. It was always just me and my brother and sometimes our mother. I need to give Matty a call today and find out what he’s doing for the holidays.

“You deserved it,” Jacob says to Vinny before addressing his daughter. “And, Aliyah, sweetheart, practice your aim. His head’s big enough that you shouldn’t have missed.”

I chuckle under my breath, which just gets me another glare from Vinny. Jonah and Gray laugh while Aliyah picks up her knife, inspecting it, then looks over at her brother like she’s going to throw that too.

“If you even think about it, I’m going to pull out the old photo albums, especially the one when you were thirteen, had braces, and were ugly as fuck,” Vinny says, and Aliyah drops the knife back down to the table.

“It’s not possible for you to have ever been ugly,” I tell her.

“Oh, I was most definitely ugly,” she says with a confirmative nod.

“No, you weren’t,” her father says.

“Thanks, Daddy.” She smiles up at him.

Everything calms down once our plates are piled up with pancakes, bacon, and eggs. We eat in an almost silence with Jacob asking about the team, trying to pull intel from Gray about the comings and goings of the rest of the guys. When Gray refuses to give his father anything but a shake of his head, Jacob turns to me, and I dodge those questions like they’re looking to steal my puck in a tied game.

“What good is it having you two on the team if you won’t give me any of the gossip?” Jacob asks.

“Well, I win games. Not sure what he’s there for.” I smirk over at Gray.

“I wear the C.”

“Of a team your daddy owns.” I laugh. I know damn well Grayson’s earned that captain title. But it’s still fun to hold it over him that he’s stuck under his father’s thumb.

“Please tell me we’re trading him at the end of the season,” Gray mumbles under his breath.

“If you trade him, I’m going too,” Aliyah is quick to say, and I grin.

“He’s dying a Knight. I’m not having your sister leave town,” Jacob tells his son.

“Okay, well, this has been great and all, but we have to go. I have plans.” Aliyah stands from her seat and that’s my cue to follow her.

“What plans?” Jonah asks. He’s been really quiet, just observing everyone like he’s taking notes.

“Plans that don’t include you, Jonah. And shouldn’t you be at school?” she fires back.

“I would be if Vinny didn’t fuck up a deal,” Jonah complains.

“And on that note, we’re leaving.” Aliyah bends down, kissing her father on the cheek. “See you tonight, Dad.”

“I want you near the players box, preferably in the tunnel, Aliyah. Not over at the penalty box with your friends.”


“Because I want you close,” Jacob snaps a little quicker than usual.
