Page 9 of Silent Girl

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“I don’t care. My player, my rules,” I throw over my shoulder before walking out through the large foyer.

Once I’m in my car, I exhale the breath I didn’t know I was holding. Is theno girlsrule purely because of the press issues? Or is it because when I saw that bimbo attached to Liam’s arm in the lobby, an uneasy feeling overtook me?

I shake my head and press the start button. I don’t have the time nor the want to analyze that right now. What I need is to go home, do some laundry, read a book, and soak in a hot bath. I don’t think that’s too much to ask for. A quiet afternoon before the craziness of the season starts tomorrow.

* * *

Ominous clouds cover the sky and drizzly raindrops fall onto my head and shoulders as I make my way into The Castle. I look up and let the water hit my face. It’s still dark but the lights from the building put out enough illumination to not make it creepy. I doubt anyone is going to jump out of the shadows here.

It’s odd. This is one place I feel both the most afraid and the safest at the same time. Afraid because, well… I can’t skate, don’t skate, and won’t skate. The whole sliding around on razor-thin blades terrifies me. I tried it when I was little, but every time I fell, I would get this overwhelming fear that someone was going to skate right by and slice my fingers off. That never happened, obviously, but itcould.

Then there’s the safety I feel being near or in this building. The knowledge that it’s owned by my family and the fact that no one in their right mind wants to cross Jacob Monroe. There’s a reason people fear my father, cross the street whenever they see any of my brothers. The Monroe name has been at the top of the underground food chain, so to speak, for generations.

I push through the heavy steel doors that put me right into the hallway that leads to the locker room. I’m early. I wanted to make sure Liam actually showed up—and I was hoping to try to talk to my father. First things first, though. I need to lay eyes on the man in question.

I walk straight into the locker room. The guys who were in the process of changing are quick to grab towels and cover themselves. Every single one of them except Liam King, who stands there with a white towel wrapped around his neck and nothing else.

What is it with this guy and his unashamed nakedness?

This is the second day I’ve seen him and thesecondtime I’ve been offered a full frontal in return. My eyes have a mind of their own as they make their way down to his cock before snapping back up to his face when I see him twitch and harden.

“Aliyah, what the fuck are you doing here?” My brother’s voice growls from the opposite side of the room.

I turn my head in his direction and smirk. “I needed material for my spank bank.” I then look over at every player in the room—every player except Liam. “Thanks, boys.” With that, I turn on my heel and walk back out, listening as my brother threatens violence against his teammates as the door closes behind me.

I make my way up to my father’s office, stopping in the kitchen to make him a cup of coffee and fill a plate with pastries. His door is open when I get there. Walking in, I place the cup on his desk, followed by the plate.

“Morning, sweetheart. What do I owe the pleasure?” he asks, already knowing I want something.

“Can’t you just accept a visit from your only daughter without thinking I have a motive? I just wanted to see you—that’s all.” I smile and sit in one of the chairs in front of his desk.

From where I’m seated, you can see directly out onto the rink. Chills run through me just thinking about the ice. I’ve never really been one to love the cold. Although I’m Canadian, born and bred, I think I lived my previous life on a tropical island somewhere.

“Okay, how are you?” His voice is hesitant. Untrusting.

“I’m glad you asked, because I’m tired, Daddy.” I pout while putting extra emphasis on the endearment, knowing I’m my father’s one weakness. Don’t get me wrong, my dad loves all of his children, but it’s obvious I get a little extra-special treatment. “I was thinking… maybe Europe or Australia for a few months.”

“Were you now?” my father asks, sipping at his coffee while his eyes never leave mine.

“Uh-huh, I think it’ll do me some good. You know, put me in a better headspace for the rest of the year.” I nod, hoping it’ll get him to do the same—in business, it’s called mirroring, a subtle manipulation to get someone to agree to your terms.

“Tell me, Aliyah, how exactly will you perform your job if you’re on the other side of the world?”

“Well, I was thinking you could get someone else to babysit Liam King.” I shrug.

“No.” My father’s voice is stern. I can’t hide the shock on my face. “I know it’s not a word you’re accustomed to hearing, especially from me. But this… I need you to dothisfor me,” he adds as if reading my mind.

I shrink into the chair, still a little unsure how to deal with the fact that my father told me no.I know…I sound like a spoiled brat, but it’s not my fault I’ve grown up getting everything I’ve ever asked for. And I’ve never tried to abuse my father’s good will.

“I have done everything in my power to make sure you’ve never wanted for a single thing, Aliyah. I’ve never asked anything of you. This is the first, and I really don’t believe I’m asking you for much,” he says, placing the coffee cup down on the table.

Well, now I feel like shit. Talk about laying the guilt on thick.

“I’m sorry. Like I said, I’m just tired. I’ll figure it out, and I won’t let you down,” I say.

“Good, now tell me how yesterday went?”

Images of a naked Liam King killing a spider with a hockey stick fill my head. Yeah, probably not a good thing to report back on. The naked part, that is. I can’t help the grin that curls my lips at the memory.
