Page 3 of Just Tonight

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Bill Oertel was corrupt, and was doing something highly illegal within the FBI.

Worst of all, Bill Oertel now knew who she was.

And that meant she could no longer delay. Every minute meant she was in bigger danger - and not just her. What if the connection to Ethan meant that Kieran was also at risk?

Cami still blamed herself for Ethan's death. No way could she allow Kieran to be hurt or killed. No way.

"You're right," she said. "I do need to speak to him. And I need to do it now."

"It's for the best, Cami," he urged her. "Connor will know what to do, and I know you can trust him."

"I know I can. And it doesn't matter who he tells now," Cami said. "Because Oertel is going to be ready to blow this all the way out of the water anyway."

"Exactly," Ethan agreed. "It's reached a head. Now you need to move before he does."

Cami swallowed. She didn't want to think about what his move would be.

She looked around the bedroom. Living here, with Kieran, was beginning to feel like home. She loved the apartment. She loved being with Kieran. Coming home every night, cooking together, drinking a glass of wine, discussing their days - it was incredible. After years of loneliness and a conflicted relationship with her parents, Cami finally felt like she had the chance at happiness again.

She deserved it. Kieran deserved it. Some greedy, corrupt criminal had no right to rip all of it away. And based on what she suspected that Bill Oertel and his connections had done so far, Cami knew he wouldn't hesitate to do it.

This was her fragile life, it was everything that was important to her, and no way could she lose it.

"Yes. I do need to get in there first."

"So pick up the phone. And call Connor."

Cami let go of his hand and reached for the phone.

Her mouth felt dry, and her hands were cold as she grasped it. This was scary. She'd come so close to telling Connor the truth, so many times. Each time she'd delayed - wanting to wait, wanting to do more research. Now, she found herself hesitating again, and this time, it was simply wanting all of this to go away. A forlorn hope that if she kept her head down, maybe somehow all of this would go away.

But she knew she could no longer afford to think that way.

She unlocked the phone and scrolled through her contacts until she reached Connor's cellphone number. The apartment felt very quiet. There was a sense of expectation in the air. The morning traffic hadn't yet started, outside was cool and still and mostly dark.

She pressed the screen to bring his number up.

And then, frightening the life out of her with the sudden noise at such a tense moment, her phone began ringing loudly.

She stared at in consternation. It was Connor calling.

She suspected strongly that this was not synchronicity but rather trouble.

Dry mouthed, she swiped right and took the call.

"Connor?" she said, hearing the stress in her own voice.

His was as sharp as he'd ever heard it.

"Cami. Are you home?"

"I am. I -" she began, but he didn't give her a chance to say anything more.

"I'm going to be outside your apartment in five minutes. I need you to be waiting. It's urgent."

He didn’t even need to say that this was trouble. From the tone of his voice,

Cami could already tell.
