Page 30 of Just Tonight

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“We have two different teams waiting for any signal or any GPS location,” Jacenta said, her voice stressed and frustrated. “Fraser is monitoring them,” she added, referring to Connor’s boss. “But there’s nothing. Nothing at all. We don’t know where he is.”

“Okay. Let’s keep hunting tonight. For now, I want those undercover agents to remain in place where they are.”

“I’ll organize that.”

“And please, keep me up to speed. As soon as you know anything, I want to know it too.”

Connor hung up and headed back to Cami. She was looking at him strangely, and he knew that she knew what that call was about. He wasn't ready to tell her yet, but it was creating a tension between them that hadn't been there since the early days of their partnership. Connor disliked it intensely. He hated that it was there, and he loathed the reasons for it.

One corrupt agent, and a whole world of trouble descended.

She stared at him, with an intense expression in her green eyes. She was determinedly not going to take silence for an answer any longer.

“Connor,” she said firmly. “I need to know. What on earth is –”

But he was saved by the bell – literally.

His phone beeped loudly, and he saw an email had come through. Thankfully, the angry Mr. Sutherland had taken the potential consequences seriously, and he’d sent the information through.

“Listen, I’ll talk to you about it later. I promise. But for now, we have names,” he told Cami. “We really need to get ahead with this case. We need this killer in custody – tonight if possible.”

Her eyes narrowed mutinously. She wanted to know more, but she also accepted that the urgency of this case took priority.

“Where shall we go to check them?” she asked.


Twenty minutes later, after a much faster ride back from the airport, they were back in the same police station room that Connor had borrowed last time. There, he took a look at the list of names that Sutherland had sent. He would have to trust that it was a full list and that Sutherland hadn’t left anyone out.

There were only six names on the list, which got his eyebrows raised. He guessed with so many states to cover, and people working remotely from elsewhere, it did make sense that they might only have six on-site employees in Boston itself. Sutherland had also included employee addresses and phone numbers.

“Okay,” Connor said, looking through the list. “I see that we can immediately rule out three of these names. Because he’s stated in this email that the three techs at the top of the list are the ones who were with him in that meeting last night.”

“So they’re all cleared,” Cami said thoughtfully, her gaze going to the last three names.

Connor nodded. “If one of these employees has been accessing the systems, then it’s one of the last three. So, who’ve we got?”

Cami read them out. “Jason Jones, Miriam Callow, and Boyd Langdon.”

Connor’s eyes narrowed thoughtfully. Given the brute strength with which those murders had been committed, he felt that it was more unlikely to have been done by a woman, but he wasn’t going to take Miriam off the list just yet.

“We need to find out more about them,” he said firmly. “About all of them. Let’s do some intensive research here, and see how much we can uncover about every one of these techs.”

While Cami went straight onto social media and local chat boards, Connor first ran all the names through the records, just in case one of the three proved to be a repeat offender. But all of them were clean.

Then he checked other details. They were all Boston residents. Miriam was married with two children. There was no information available on marital status for Jason or Boyd, but he found current addresses for all of them.

Cami took a breath, looking up from her work, where her fingers had been flying.

“Connor, I’m seeing here, on social media, that Miriam was in the emergency room last night. Her six-year-old son broke his arm. It’s all over her pages, with X-ray photos and messages of sympathy. So she couldn’t have done it. We can rule her out.”

Connor nodded, feeling pleased to have narrowed down the list, even if slightly.

“What about the others?” he asked.

"Jason Jones – I'm looking now, but I think I'm getting something on him here."

She turned to her laptop, which she was using to multitask. “Yes. I’ve got something on him. He was installing smart home software at a client’s house last night. Seems like he was on site until late, finishing everything up. She was very happy with the installation and actually tagged him on social media. He was on a job so it could not have been him.”
