Page 53 of Just Tonight

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“You need to – okay.” He’d breathed deeply. “You need to go missing. You need to disappear. You can’t be you anymore. I’ve got – I’ve got an old ID, from another missing person case, an orphan who turned runaway and left it behind. Take it. Use it. And go far away. Far. Other side of the country. Find a small town and stay the hell away from the big cities, they’ve got cameras. Don’t come back, please!”

“But – but my family. My sister!”

"No!" he'd said. "No, no, no. Try to contact her, and she will die. I mean it. They'll be watching, and they'll be listening. Do not try, please, I’m begging you! You have to disappear. Until this all blows out the water.” His voice had dropped. “You’ll know when it does. It’ll be headline news.”

“But when will that be?” she’d asked, her voice quivering, now on the point of tears.

“It could be years. I’m going to give you a ride to the train station. I’ve got some cash on me. Use the other ID. That’s who you are now. Find the smallest town you can. Don’t leave it. Until it’s safe.”

Her mind jerked back to the present as she headed along the corridor toward the office that she’d inquired about. Again, excitement and nerves battled with each other in her stomach as she tapped on the door.

A smartly dressed woman with dark braids opened it.

And stared, shock and recognition transforming her face as she took her appearance in.

“I’m here to see Cami Lark,” she said. “She doesn’t know I’m coming. I’m back in town again, and it’s a surprise visit.”

Already, she could hear a commotion from the adjoining room, a gasp, and the hurried sound of a scuffle and quick footsteps, as if someone was erupting from their chair and heading her way.

“I’m her sister,” she explained. “Jenna Lark.”
