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He poured his heart out and finally admitted that he was in love with her.

“Please… open your eyes.”

The storm had suddenly passed, and the sun was breaking out of the clouds, bathing the room in sunlight. Noah prayed in silence while Jeff Martin sang his evocative lyrics before a miracle happened.

His heart was racing, he looked down at his hand; Aria was gripping it tightly. Fighting through tears, he said, “Squeeze my hand again if you can hear me, baby. Come on!”

Noah shouted for a nurse and when they arrived, he explained what was happening before she left and returned with the resident doctor who was on call at the unit. He monitored Aria’s motor and eye-opening response before he removed the endotracheal tube.

“Keep talking to her,” the doctor instructed.

“Aria.” Noah kissed her hand. “Open your eyes and look at me.”

After five weeks of hell and hopelessness, she finally left her comatose world of slumber and returned to him from what seemed like a hundred-year sleep. Noah could no longer contain his emotions as he looked at his angel. Holding her palm, he broke down in tears. God had finally answered his prayers as he bowed his head and cried his heart out.



Her voice… the sweet sound of her voice was all it took to pull me out of my sleep.


“Hey,” I replied, smiling at angel eyes. “You’re awake.”

“How long have you been waiting in that chair?” She sounded groggy, but at least she no longer had that horrific tube down her throat.

“That depends”—I pulled my chair closer—“Do you mean today?”


I held her hand and said, “I’ve been visiting this hospital room for the past five weeks. You were in a coma.”


Her heart monitor suddenly increased.

“Calm down, sweetie. I don’t want you panicking. I’m gonna explain what happened, but I need you to relax first. Can you do that for me?”

Aria nodded.

“The worst part is over. You’re awake. You’re alive. And I’m here with you.” When her heart rate relaxed, I asked, “Any memories of the accident?”

“Everything’s still fuzzy.”

“Do you remember when I picked you up from Evan’s place?”

“You mean when you barged in, threw me over your shoulder, and kidnapped me?”

No memory loss.That’s good.

“You’re being dramatic about the kidnapping.”

She smiled. At least she wasn’t mad anymore. I felt relieved.

“Do you remember anything afterwards?”

Aria seemed to reflect while I caressed her hand. I had missed her so much. She was always beautiful to admire, even in her sleep. No one matched her energy. No one had her soul print. That’s why it was so hard for me to cope with the silence of her comatose state. I missed everything about her—even our arguments.
