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“I’m sorry.”

“Why should you be sorry?”

“I don’t know. I’ve complicated your life more since you met me.”

It wasn’t just his life I had complicated, but the lives of many. I hated feeling as if I was a burden to anyone.

“You’re the only person in our family who doesn’t judge me,” Evan said. “I know we’ve just got to know each other, but I care about you a great deal, Aria.”

“You’re sweet.”

“No, just being honest.”

We both smiled at one another as he reached into his pocket and said, “Before I forget, I have one more thing I need to give you.” Evan pulled out a long red box.

“A present?” I said, looking surprised. “What’s the occasion?”

“Consider it a grad gift.”

“But I haven’t graduated yet. I still have final exams to write before I get my diploma.”

“You’ll ace those exams with flying colors,” Evan said, opening the box. “That’s white gold,” he added. “And that crystal is special; it has healing energies, which is why I thought I’d give it to you now while you’re still in here.”

“It’s beautiful!”

The necklace was a pear-shaped crystal pendant, clasped to a silver chain. It was stunning—like nothing I had ever seen before.

“My mate’s girlfriend runs her own custom-made jewelry shop. I swung by last week and had this made for you.”

“I love it!” I pulled my hair up so he could fasten the pendant around my neck.

“It looks perfect on you.”

Kissing his cheek, I gave him a big hug and breathed him in. But as soon as I pulled back, my heart dropped when I heard Noah’s voice.

“Where’s Natalie?”

We turned our heads in his direction.

“She left not too long ago,” I answered.

Noah was dressed casually, which meant he must have gone home and changed after work. He stepped inside the room, keeping his hostile glare on his brother as he asked him what he was doing here.

“My niece is in the hospital,” Evan replied. “Why wouldn’t I be here?”

“Well,” Noah said. “You can leave now.”

Here we go again.

I had so much I wanted to say, but held my tongue. I had to hide all my heavy artillery and open fire once Evan was gone. Honestly, I was afraid of that moment. Having Evan around was best for damage control. Both brothers continued to argue as if I were invisible.

“Will you lighten up?”

“No!” Noah scowled. “I will notlighten up.She’smydaughter, and you’re clearly a bad influence.”

“You afraid I might blaze up and pass her a joint while she’s bound to this bloody hospital bed?”

“I wouldn’t be surprised if you had drugs in your pockets right now.”
