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I was worried. What if our relationship got so serious and he popped the question? I didn’t want to have a monster-in-law. Iwas jumping ahead of myself. It was possible that Noah would never propose to me because of the inevitable loss of interest.

“Do you still love me?” I murmured, hoping I hadn’t sounded insecure. But the question itself revealed nothing but insecurity.

Noah studied me, leaning in as he guided my fingers to the side of his neck, underneath his jaw. I felt his pulse racing, pounding against my fingertips.

“Do you feel that?” he said.


“Do you know what that vein is?”

“Um… jugular?”

“The jugular veins bring deoxygenated blood from the head to the heart. That’s how deeply you are embedded inside of me.”

“I’m a vein in your neck?” I giggled.

“No, you’re apainin the neck. But…”—he pressed my hand against his heart—“You possess this part of me.”

Melting and blushing, it was a terrible combination; the more I’d blush, the faster it added to the melting process.

“I want to possess all of you,” I confessed.

“What makes you think you don’t already?”

“Well, we haven’t exactly, uh…”

Noah’s lips curved up into a devilish smile as he said, “I’m not sure if you’re ready for that yet.”

“Are you kidding me? I’ve been ready for the past eight months.”

“Answer me one question, Aria. Will you?”

“Of course.”

“Why do you love me?”

“It’s too long of a list.”

“Don’t start with: ‘because you’re hot.’” He chuckled.

“That’s only number two on the list.” I grinned.

“What’s number one?”

“You’re sexy.”

“Smartass.” He laughed.

I didn’t want to analyze my love for him, so I changed the subject.

“I feel as though my identity’s been stripped away. I’m no longer Aria Hunter. I’m a Mitchell. I’mAria frickin’ Mitchell.” I groaned.

“Well”—Evan leaned against the door frame—“you could always legally change your last name.”

How much of our convo did he overhear?I wondered.

“I wasn’t always a Hunter,” he added, walking toward my bed.
