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“You’re not here as an ambassador of our crazy mother, are you?” said Noah.

“I’m here because of the obvious,” Evan winked at me as he sat in a chair. “You know Mum’s gonna keep calling until you pick up, right?” he said to Noah.

“What do you think voicemail is for?”

“I don’t think you can avoid her that easily.”

“I want nothing to do with her. And if I were you, Evan, I’d keep that hateful woman out of my life for good.”

“We’re not that close as you think we are.”

Noah shrugged, looking unconvinced.

“Where are Natalie and Robert?” asked Evan.

“Working out their drama somewhere,” I answered.

“Well,” Noah said. “It looks like you’re not her uncle anymore.”

“And technically,you’renot her father anymore.”

Here they were, acting childish again. I wasn’t sure why there was so much rivalry between them; it frustrated me. In a perfect world, they would get along just fine and maybe even have a bromance?In a perfect world,I sighed in my head. But it wasn’t a perfect world.

My hospital door suddenly opened, and in walked Mom andthe monster. She looked like she had been crying.

“I’m sorry to intrude”—her voice cracked—“but could we have a moment alone with our daughter?”

Noah seemed reluctant to leave, but eventually let go of my hand and stood up.

“I’ll be back,” he said.

Evan kissed my head and followed his brother out.

“How are you feeling?” asked Mom.

“How do you think I feel?”

“Aria,” Rob said. “Your mom and I had a long talk earlier. I want to make things right.” He sat in an armchair and reached for my hand, but I pulled it away. “Please, just give me a chance. We want to take you home with us once you’re well enough to leave the hospital.”

“Absolutely not,” I stressed. “Nobody’s taking me anywhere. I’m staying with Noah.”

“He’s not your father, sweetheart,” Mom said. “He’s not even your stepdad.”

“So? He’s taken better care of me than Rob ever has. I’m not moving back with you guys—and you can’t make me.”

“Where will you live then?” Mom frowned.

“With Noah.”

“You can’t live with him,” Rob argued. “He’s not your family.”

“He is to me!”

I had lived with him long enough to form an attachment.

“Darling,” Mom started again. “Isn’t there a way we can compromise? Please consider coming back to New York. You could start your school year at Columbia, and if you don’t want to live with us, you can live in a dorm. We’d be happier knowing you’re closer to home. We just want to be more involved in your life.”

“I don’t want you involved in my life! I can look after myself.”
