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“So…you’rethe infamous brother! I can’t believe I had to wait around a decade to finally meet you!”

Evan shook her hand and hovered close to me like a protective uncle while Noah introduced me to his old acquaintance. I couldn’t help but wonder just how much of a “friend” she really was.

“Aria, this is Cammie. She and I had gone to Harvard together back in the day.”

“Oh, my God! You finally got in touch with your daughter?”

“Uh, sort of.” Noah nervously rubbed the back of his neck.

Ugh, this was getting awkward. I did not want to havethatconversation with someone I hardly knew. Not wanting to leave Noah’s side, I didn’t want to be the “clingy girlfriend” either. Cammie continued to talk up a storm while I stood there feeling left out. They seemed to have so much history together and I couldn’t stay present in their conversation. I wasn’t a part of Noah’s past—maybe just a small piece. Ten years ago, I was only eight years old, and he was probably dating this vivacious woman.

Maybe now is a good time to separate for a while,I thought, turning to Evan. “Hey, why don’t you show me the rest of your artwork?”

“I’d love to.”

“It was nice meeting you, Cammie.”

“You too, Aria!”

“Wait,” Noah called out.

“Catch up with your friend. I’ll be close by. Don’t worry.” My reassuring smile wasn’t convincing, but at least I tried.



We had been alone for only a minute, and Cammie was already flirting with me.

“You look great, Noah! Then again, that shouldn’t surprise me, right? I’ve always known you were blessed with amazing genes.”

“What are you doing in New York? Weren’t you working at a law firm in Chicago?”

“Yes, I still am. But I’m here because Carrie’s getting married. Her wedding is this Saturday.”

“Ah. That’s great! Good for her.”

“Not really. I think she’s settling down way too fast. But since we’re on marriage, I’m hurt you didn’t send me an invitation to your wedding!”

That’s right, I hadn’t. Our relationship had always revolved around one thing: sex. Knowing Cammie, she would have given me a blow job right before walking down the aisle. It was common sense not to invite her.

“How’d you find out?”

“You know me.” She smirked. “I have my sources.”

“Well, if it makes you feel any better, my marriage didn’t last. I’m getting a divorce.”

“Oh. I’m so sorry.”

She wasn’t. I bet she was gloating inside and happy that I got a mean dose of karma for hurting her so much.

“I’m a divorce attorney now,” Cammie said, “and I know it’s never a simple process to go through. I hope you two are working it out amicably.”

“As amicably as possible,” I sighed. “How long has Carrie been dating her fiancée?”

“About three years.”

“That’s not so bad. I always thought of her as the traditional type of girl.”
