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“You’ve already shipwrecked me.”

Staring deeply into his eyes, neither of us breathed a word. I glanced at Noah’s perfect lips and felt a burning desire to kiss him.

“When I’m around you,” he began, “I feel like I’m floating in the middle of an ocean, stranded with no life jacket… just clutching a piece of driftwood. I’m helpless. I hear you calling out to me, I can see you…”—he caressed my cheek—“but I can’t swim to shore.”

“They call it Greek Mythology for a reason,” I said. “It’s only a myth. Besides, a rational minded Noah would swim to shore.”

“A ‘rational minded Noah’ would rather drown alone at sea and become shark food than to allow that Siren’s voice to lure him toward her island.”

Oh, how I loved speaking in metaphors.

“Why? It’s not like she’d be the death of him. What sort of ‘doom and gloom’ entails this silly myth?”

“Think of it this way: if he were to reach that island, he’d never want to leave.”

“So, she would hold him hostage?”

“Not exactly. He’d know he would fall head over heels in love with her if he swam to shore. She’s a Siren and incredibly beautiful; to where she would enslave him with her allure. And how could any man leave behind the woman he loves once a ship would come to his rescue?”

“That’s easy. He could take her with him.”

“She’s trapped and bound to that island.”

“Then he should stay there with her. Voluntary exile doesn’t seem like such a bad idea. I’m sure society was boring enough to abandon back then.”

“You’re missing the point.” Noah chuckled light heartedly.

“I’m not. I get your point. I guess I’d just rather be a Siren than your daughter.”

He gave me a sympathetic smile and brushed my hair off my face.

“He would want to stay with her. He wouldn’t even have to think twice about it. In fact, he would give up his life, his wealth—everything if it meant he could live with her forever on that island. Now, would you like to know why he refuses to make those sacrifices?”

I nodded.

“Because he knows that enchantingly beautiful Siren is his daughter. He had set sail looking for her for many years, but no matter where he looked, he never found her. When he heardthe Siren’s song in the middle of the sea, the melody entranced him. And when he approached her island and saw her beautiful face through his telescope, he was mesmerized and heartbroken because he knew who she was.”

“How did he know?”

“She was a broken part of his soul. When one half finds the other… they just know.”

I tried to hide my smile. “Why was he heartbroken?”

“Because he was in—” He paused.

I could’ve sworn he was going to say, “in love.”

“He was in despair,” Noah said. “He wanted to save her, and knew he should have resisted the Siren’s call, but he couldn’t.”

The song continued to play in the background, adding to the magical atmosphere of Noah’s story. I kept imagining myself as this seductive Siren, sitting on top of a rock while giant waves crashed on the shore likeTheLittle Mermaid.

“So, what did he do?” I caressed his chest, gazing up at him.

“He jumped ship and chose a torturous fate. Her face was the last face he wanted to see, and her voice was the last voice he wanted to hear before he died.”

“But why did he choose to die?”

“Because he knew that a Siren’s life span was short-lived. If a mortal ignored her song and passed the island, she would die. Therefore, he wanted to die with her.”
