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Lindsay bought the entire act. Wrapping her arms around Evan’s naked shoulders, she surrendered to lust before she kissed him softly. Evan knew where this kiss would take them: straight to the bedroom. And that was exactly where they headed. He took her to the gates of ecstasy before he was filledwith shame and regret. It always happened post orgasm. He had no choice but to file it away, enslaved to his darkest desires.



The confrontation in Noah’s office was bad, but what took place at home was much worse. Vanessa and I had been arguing. It was her word against mine, and honestly, I wasn’t doing too well.

“I’m telling you I caught her in bed with your ‘so called best friend!’” I furiously yelled at Noah.

He sat in an armchair, scowling at me.

“Why won’t you believe me?”

“He doesn’t believe you because it’s obvious you’re trying to sabotage our marriage! Your accusations are absurd! Where is your proof, Aria? You have none!”

“Because you destroyed my phone!”

“I did no such thing! You’re hiding it!”

I met Noah’s eyes and desperately begged him to believe me. “Why would I lie about this? Ryan was with me; he’ll verify—”

“I was at work the entire day, Noah,” Vanessa cut in. “Check our home security footage. Please, youknowwhat she’s trying to do here.”

The three of us argued for the next ten minutes, hurling insults at each other while Noah tried to mediate between us.

“Check her phone!” I frantically cried out. “I’m sure there are plenty of incriminating texts. Better yet: check her phone records!”

Vanessa flashed a condescending smile as she handed her cellphone to Noah and said, “I have nothing to hide, honey.”

“That won’t be necessary,” he declined. “It’s clear what’s going on here.”

He was taking her side over mine; it made me want to expose all our “trysts,” but I’d swore I would never stoop that low. I didn’t want him to hate me. I had to bite the bullet.

“She put her hands on me!” I exclaimed. “She literally yanked my hair, pulled me down on the floor, and beat me!”

“Aria,” he said, rubbing his temples. Noah seemed frustrated, but I had to summarize what had happened.

“Amir restrained me while she took my phone and burned the evidence!”

“Stop!” he shouted.

“Who knows if that’s what she actually did?”

“You have the most outrageous imagination, Aria. Just because you’re angry at me doesn’t give you the right to spin a web of lies!” Vanessa looked at Noah and said, “I know you and I are still working on things—and I’m doing my best, but to be accused of sleeping with your best friend is just…”—she released a heavy sob—“extremely hurtful!”

Vanessa deserved an Emmy; I’ll give her that much.

“I’ve been nothing but kind to you, Aria.”

Noah hugged my stepmom and comforted her while she cried before he glared at me and said, “I want a word with you,alone.”

“You’re actually buying all those crocodile tears?” I couldn’t believe it. “Well done, step-mommy!” I applauded her with mock enthusiasm. “You deserve a standing ovation!”

“I want her out of my house! She’s no longer your responsibility. She’s disrespected me long enough!”

“Nessa,” he said. “Calm down.”

“You should be grateful to be living here with us!” she yelled at me. “You don’t deserve this privileged lifestyle, and that’s the truth.”
