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“I don’t need to wear a mask around you,” he said, smiling.

Xylophone melodies echoed outside, amplifying the romantic ambiance.

“It’s so beautiful out here,” Evan expressed.

“This hotel is pretty amazing.”

He stepped beside me and said, “You should have been crowned prom queen.”

“I’m not disappointed.”

“Drink this.” He offered me a glass of punch.

“No, thanks.”

“I think you’ll want to drinkthisglass.” He grinned, placing his drink on the railing before he flashed a silver flask concealed in his tux.

“You smuggled alcohol inside?”

“What can I say?” Evan chuckled. “Old habits die hard.”

“You spiked the punch bowl?”

“No. Only our drinks.”

“Now I feel special.” I beamed. “We should make a toast.”

“Allow me the honor.” He raised his glass and cleared his throat. “To my beautiful niece, and her promising career in the modeling industry. You’re gonna give all those veterans a run for their money.”

“Oh, I don’t know about that.” I blushed and shied away.

“I have full confidence in you.”

His dark eyes hypnotized me as he tapped his glass against mine.

“Cheers, love!”

I felt the typical burn in my throat when I drank it down. It was strong—whatever it was.

“So,” Evan said, “you’re not disappointed in the slightest that you didn’t get to be prom queen?”

“Nope,” I answered. “I was actually hoping that Jess would win the votes.” I paused and changed the subject. “Why didn’t you tell me you were dating my teacher?”

“Well, you and I haven’t exactly been communicating regularly.”

That was true. “I’m sorry about that night, Evan. I was a mess.”

“You were hurt. I get it.”

We locked eyes, and I suddenly felt naked, worried he could read my thoughts. “Shouldn’t you be chaperoning inside with your date?” I said.

“Claudia’s taking care of a little fiasco in the lady’s room with some students.”

“What happened?”

“Catfight over a boy.”

“Wow… girls these days. I would never fight over a guy if he were indecisive about wanting to be with me—especiallyif another girl was in the picture.”
