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This seems like such a waste of time.

I sounded just as cynical as my stepdad. Grabbing the silver dollar from my purse, I held it in my palm, noticing an eagle engraved into the coin. Sitting there, I reflected on what I wanted most.

I wish…

All I could think about was Noah. It frustrated me how I couldn’t delete him from my brain as all my anguish resurfaced. A hurricane of memories swept me by storm and left me incapable of finding any solace. No matter where I turned, I was confronted with images of me and him: the man who had once abandoned me, only to return through a wall of mist, disoriented, mirroring me. I was everything he hadn’t expected: broken and destructive beyond repair. He could have turned his back on me. He could have walked into that fog again and left me stranded. I’m sure whatever life he had on the other side was much better than standing in a hollow chasm of emptiness with me: a young woman who could look after herself. But he didn’t leave. Even after assessing these facts, he still wanted to be the father I always deserved.

Now look what you’ve done,my conscience whispered.

I was planning to abandon Noah, when all he wanted was to hold my hand and lead me through that heavy mist to the other side together. We could have peacefully stood in the sunshine, knowing our wounds had healed along the way. All he ever wanted was to obliterate the darkness in my life. And all I ever wanted was to be found by a man who would love me unconditionally.

Now that Noah had found me, I was heartlessly ignoring all the Hell he’d gone through to get here. I didn’t want to accept the possibility of happiness waiting for us beyond the fog. I didn’t want to walk the same path as him. I guess I was at war with God and my destiny. How could the Creator bring such an attractive, accomplished man into my life, and expect me not to feel attraction? How could God forbid me from falling in love with him? If the Lord was truly omniscient, omnipotent, and omnibenevolent, then how come he had not expected the pending avalanche that would come when Noah and I wouldcross paths? Had he not foreseen the way I would abominate the definition of love? How I would twist and contort the meaning just to manipulate my way into getting what I’d want? Was this a test? If so, I had epically failed. Despite this realization, I still dared to hope. I had two choices: take Noah’s hand and follow him into the light or turn my back on him and pray he would follow me into the darkness.

Feeling burdened, I stared into the pristine water and faintly whispered, “I wish Noah was in love with me.”

A vibrating ringing sound echoed in my ears when I flipped the dollar, watching it rotate before it found its place over a coin at the bottom of the fountain: one of many wishes that most likely had never come true. Feeling oddly lighter, I stood up, straightened my dress, and headed toward my new destination: the penthouse suite.


Riding the elevator, I sent Ryan a text.

I’m on my way up. u didn’t have to go through all this trouble for me… But I’m so touched. See u soon! xox

I didn’t realize how nervous I was until the elevator stopped. The doors retracted before I stepped out. The hallway was almost identical to the previous one I had walked down, except the ceiling was taller, with skylights between the light fixtures.

My cellphone suddenly vibrated as I approached room #1206

I’m sorry. He told me not to text u… we got caught. I’m lucky he didn’t beat the shit out of me. Text me when ur home.

Oh, God… the note, the rose, and the room key… Was it really from Ryan, or Evan?I wondered in shock. That explainedwhy he’d left so suddenly. I didn’t know how he had found out about my plans with Ryan, but maybe he just wanted to sabotage our night so that I wouldn’t do something I would later regret.

Standing across a pair of dark mahogany doors, I noticed the intricate design, admiring the giant archway. Music played from inside the suite as I inserted the gold keycard. I recognized the song: “Your Love Is An Echo” by Aiiso. The doors unlocked, unleashing a quiet terror in my chest. I wasn’t sure why I was so nervous suddenly.

Entering the threshold, I paused and took in the modern luxury of my posh environment. There was no way Ryan could have afforded this. I was convinced it was Evan’s doing. All the lights were off, with only a trail of white pillar candles placed along the marble tiles, leading the way to the master bedroom; I just needed to follow the flickering flames. The music was so beautiful with romantic lyrics that touched me.

My heels echoed behind me as I passed a fully furnished living room through an archway leading to another gathering room; the windows were wide, reaching the ceiling. Stopping in my tracks, I noticed the terrace doors were open, inviting a cool breeze inside. A pink moon was high in the sky. The picturesque landscape was an artist’s dream.

The vocalist seemed so sure of his feelings, but I couldn’t relate. I felt so lost.

What should I say to Evan?

Heading closer, I wasn’t sure where my heart would guide me by walking through that threshold. The door was wide open, giving me a glimpse of the bedroom bathed in warm candlelight. I noticed a king-size bed, covered in red and white rose petals; a white canopy hung right above it. Tall white pillar candles surrounded the bed, which looked more romantic and beautiful. I felt as if I had walked in on the set of a timeless romance movie.

Entering the bedroom, I suddenly froze.


I had two choices: black out and faint, or voluntarily call up the psychiatric ward and tell them to rush over and strap me in a straitjacket… Because the person who was standing across from me could have easily been a hallucination. I unquestionably doubted my sanity.

Clad in a black tuxedo, he stood on the threshold of the balcony door, gazing at the ocean with his hands in his pockets. I was afraid to move, fearing he would vanish. It wasn’t until he turned around that I melted. Half of his face was covered by a black mask, but he was handsome beyond words—more perfect than ever.

“So,” he said with a smile. “Did you get what you wished for?”

His deep voice and ocean eyes were a dead giveaway.

“Please tell me you wished for this.”

Keep breathing…
