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Stepping closer, he removed his mask and looked at me while I stood statuesque, tears filling my eyes. He was desirable in every aspect; standing before me like the god I envisioned him as. It was a miracle.

Is he real?

Staring in disbelief, I was speechless, begging my brain to re-coordinate the wires that had gone haywire.

“Noah… how… how did you—”

“How could you ever consider leaving me, Aria?” Closing the distance, he held my face.

I noticed a palpable sadness in his eyes.

“Don’t you understand I need you here with me?” The intensity of his gaze made my soul shiver. “How could you go behind my back and get a one-way ticket to New York?”

I was about to explain when I realized there was no way he could have discovered my escape plans, unless he…

No… Please tell me you didn’t!

“Wait,” I said. “How did you find out about me flying back to New York?”

He seemed hesitant to answer.

“I read your diary.”

“Youwhat?” I couldn’t believe it. I was outraged.

“It happened by accident.” Noah took a breath and dropped his hands. “After you left for prom, I came in your room to leave you one last present on your nightstand. That’s when I saw your diary right there in front of me—it was wide open.” He paused and took a breath. “I was tempted, okay? I didn’t mean to read it, but as soon as I noticed my name on that page… I couldn’t resist.”

How could I have forgotten to put my diary away?I wanted to bury my head under a rock and never come out.

“I can’t believe you violated my privacy like that!” I teared up. All those private, personal thoughts were no longer a secret. He knew them all.

“I just read one page, Aria,” he tried to reason. “But it was enough for me to cancel my trip and come save you from making a big mistake.”

“Save me?” I frowned in confusion.

How long had he been waiting for me? Does Vanessa know he’s here?My mind was racing. I could hardly register anything that had happened in the last half hour.

“So,” I said with contempt. “You came here to stop me from sleeping with Ryan, is that it? Well, mission accomplished. Thanks for making a complete fool out of me!”

There was my spitfire temper again.

“You’re a smart girl.” Noah darkened his gaze. “How could you even think about having sex with a guy you don’t love?”

“You’re the last person to be lecturing me on this topic.” I shot him a scornful stare.

“I’m not here to lecture you.” He frowned again.

“I’ve made my feelings for you crystal clear, Noah. You don’t want me. You refuse to love me the same way. You’ve told me that repeatedly. And now you refuse to let me try to love someone else? How do you expect me to get over you if you won’t even let me? Are you that selfish?”

Battling my pride, I blinked back hot tears and tried to keep my composure.

“Tell me you want this relationship,” I said. “Or let go of me completely.”

All I wanted was to hide myself in his chest and hug him forever. I missed him so much. There was always this magnetic attraction between us, and I was like a moth to the flame: inevitably getting burned.

“Just hear me out,” he pleaded.

“No. You have a wife to get home to,” I coldly replied.
