Page 121 of For the love of Kane

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Jaxon Lyubava.

I have to admit it still has a ring to it.

After Kane proposed that day, we got dressed and went to a judge who owed him a favor. None of us wanted anything fancy, we just wanted to be together. We went to a guy Kane and Blaze knew, got rings, and an hour later, we were married with Kira as a witness.

Kane put Zuko and Diego in charge of interrogating the rest of the guards and stuck us on a plane. We landed in Bali and spent three glorious weeks there.

We came back when we got word that Saint was finally being released from the hospital. Besides the gnarly scar, he made a full recovery.

Today, we celebrate our one-year wedding anniversary.

I watch as the party organizers bustle around, decorating the dining room. Kane wanted something huge, and I wasn’t going to argue with him.

I feel arms slip around me from behind and already know who it is. “What are you doing,Moy muzh?” Kane started calling me that the second the ring slipped onto my finger.

“Just watching.”

“I have someone I want you to meet.” I hear the nervousness in his voice and turn in his arms.


“My father.” After Kane got everything under control, he talked with his dad. He didn’t hold back and said everything that he’s wanted to say for a very long time. It was touch and go there for a while, but his dad finally came around, after getting rid of the woman he was with. Kane and Kira let Vlad know they would only accept him back into their lives. Kane still wouldn’t let me meet him until he knew for sure his dad wasn’t going to tear us down. I guess today is that day.

“Lead the way.”

He grabs my hand, laces our fingers together, and we go into his office. My eyes widen when I see his father. He’s Kane’s spitting image except Vlad has gray hair. “Papa, this is Jaxon. My husband.”

A smile breaks out on Vlad’s face. “It’s nice to finally meet you, Jaxon.”

“You too, Mr. Lyubava.”

He waves that away. “Call me Vlad. I thought Kane was going to hide you away forever.”

“I told you why, Papa.”

Vlad’s smile falters at that. “I know.”

“So,” I say, trying to break the tension. “Are you staying for the party?”

“If you’ll have me.”

“Of course,” I agree easily.

“Kane, can you get me some water?” Vlad asks. Kane’s brows furrow but nods. He kisses my forehead and strides from the office, leaving me alone with his dad. “You’re the one to put that smile on my son’s face?”

“I’m one of them, yes.”

Vlad swallows and looks uneasy. “I wasn’t always the best father, but I’m glad he didn’t follow in my footsteps.”

“You might not have been, but you can be now. I’ll never try to cut you out of Kane’s life if he wants you here. I’d like to get to know the man who raised him.”

“Thank you, Jaxon,” he says sincerely.

“I have to ask, though. Why the hell did you ever defend Lev?”

Vlad swallows, but his eyes never shift from my face. “I had separated myself so far from Kane’s life that I believed the lies Lev was feeding me. He said that Kane was essentially just picking on him.” I can see that. From what Kane has said, Lev was always the poor me type.
