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“Blaze is an idiot,” Kane replies, surprising me. “I told him that too.” Kane opens his arms, and I hesitate, my eyes flashing to the guy with him. What was his name?Jaxon.He gives me a soft smile and nods, letting me know he’s fine with this. I crawl into Kane’s lap, and his arms come around me in a tight hug. This vulnerability made me feel weak, but Kane and Blaze showed me it wasn’t. They said there was nothing wrong with needing affection and seeking it out. And right now, all I can do is bury my face in Kane’s shirt and inhale his scent. His big hand rubs circles on my back until I relax in his embrace. “I’m not sticking up for him because what he did was bullshit, but you just need to give him time.”

“I gave him time,” I mumble into his chest.

“I know, but Blaze’s mind doesn’t work like ours. Blaze is still very childlike in some ways because he didn’t grow up like we did. He doesn’t know how to deal with emotions other than lust, anger, and whatever happiness means for him. That’s why I sent him to that club to train, to begin with. He needed structure that I couldn’t give him. I didn’t truly see him come alive until he met you.” I lift my head, and Kane wipes the tears from my cheeks. “He’ll figure it out, but you can’t push him.”

“Where does that leave me?”

“With us,” Jaxon answers. “Kane was going to show me something today.”

I know the surprise shows on my face because Kane turns my face back to his with fingers under my chin. “Can you give us a minute,Litso Kukly?” Jaxon gives me a reassuring smile and disappears into the kitchen. “We were on our way to the cottage when Blaze called. Jaxon said we should invite you.”

“Does he know?”

Kane nods. “You weren’t some dirty secret, Eli, and he asked for my honesty.”

“Why did you pull away from me then?” I have to ask because it’s the first time I’ve had the courage to do so.

Kane sighs. “I felt like an outsider with you and Blaze. What we had was beautiful, but I also needed more.” He smiles at that. His eyes flash to the kitchen and then back to me. “I wanted what you two had to expand, and that couldn’t happen with me around.” His hands settle on my hips in a familiar way, and I can’t fault him for backing off, no matter how much it hurt at first. “So what do you say? Go to the cottage with us. No expectations, just a day with me and Jaxon.”

“You like him, don’t you?”

Kane’s brows furrow. “Yes. But we’re taking this one day at a time.”

I nod. “If you don’t think I’ll get in the way—”

Kane cuts off my words by squeezing my hip. “You won’t. Now pack a bag. We’ll probably be staying overnight.”

I quickly pack, and before long, we’re on the road. The ride is silent but not awkwardly so, and I find my eyes riveted to Kane and Jaxon. They stand in such stark contrast to each other, with Kane being dark and Jaxon light, but that isn’t the thing that’s keeping my attention. It’s the way Kane moves around him. If Jaxon shifts, Kane moves so his body is still touching him, and I don’t think he even realizes he’s doing it. Jealousy starts rising to the surface, and I shove it back down. It isn’t necessarily because it’s Kane. It’s because I never got this with Blaze. Kane just met Jaxon, and he’s already taking him on a trip to his elusive cottage. Why can’t I have this? Suddenly feeling like a third wheel, I sink down on the seat.

“Eli.” Kane’s voice makes me look up from staring at the floorboard. “Stop whatever you’re thinking about.”

“How do you do that?” I grumble.

“He’s psychic,” Jaxon answers. “Or psycho. I haven’t quite figured that out yet.”

A shocked laugh escapes me before I can stop it. Kane glares at me, then turns his eyes to a grinning Jaxon. “You’re asking for it,Litso kukly.”

“So you keep saying, but I have yet to be on the receiving end of your threats.” My eyebrows hit my hairline because I know exactly what those threats are, having been on the receiving end of more than one of those punishments. Kane can be as merciless as Blaze when he wants to be.

“Maybe I should rectify that.” That threat comes out as a growl, and even though it’s not aimed at me, my body still responds. I feel my face heat, but I can’t look away from the heated way they’re staring at each other.

“Maybe you should.” Jaxon’s voice comes out husky, and I take notice. Jaxon is gorgeous in his own right. Curly brown hair and the bluest eyes I’ve ever seen.

This is going to be a long night.



Looking at Elijah, I can see why Kane was attracted to him.

He also told me about their relationship during our talk last night. I was uneasy at first when he admitted he had been involved with them, but I realized that we all have a past. He looked so fucking lost when I saw him, I couldn’t even get mad when he snuggled into Kane’s arms. I could tell how much Elijah meant to Kane just by the way he talked about him.

We finally pull into a driveway in front of what I’m assuming is the cottage that Kane was talking about. It’s large for a cottage but tucked away from the noises of the city. Dalton opens the door, and Kane leads us inside.

“Is there anything you own that doesn’t look like a museum?” I ask. His apartment, house, and now this all look so clinical. Gorgeous, just plain. No personal pictures, nothing that has Kane’s personality. “Where’s the color?”

“Do I look like a color person?” Kane says dryly, making Elijah laugh.
