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He pulls back with a grin. “That’s how I like you,Litso kukly. Hard and needy for me. If you’re akhoroshiy mal’chik, I’ll take care of you later.” He slides to the end of the bed and onto his feet, then pulls me by the ankles to him. He pulls me up and pats my ass. “Shower, then we can leave.”

“Yes, Daddy,” I grouch, turning to walk away. The slap on my ass is unexpected, and I jump in the air, whirling around.

“You know when to call me that. And unless you want me to bend you over my fucking knee, I suggest you walk in there quietly.”

I take his advice, brush my teeth, and climb into the shower. The hot spray feels amazing on my sore body. I let my mind wander over the last twenty-four hours, emotions hitting me left and right. Excitement, panic, happiness, fear. You name it, and I’ve felt it. I spend half my time fighting what I feel with Kane and the other half wanting to reach out to grab it with two hands.Tell me you’re fucked up without telling me you’re fucked up.

I finish and turn the water off. When I step out of the shower, Kane is leaning against the door frame. “Trying to get a peep show, old man?”

“I’ll eventually teach you some manners. I just came to tell you that I ordered breakfast, and it’s on its way.”

I wrap a towel around my waist and walk over to him, sliding my arms around his waist. “I was just messing with you. Thank you.”

“You’re begging me to turn that ass red, aren’t you?” He jerks my towel off and palms my ass. “You know how much it will please me to see my handprint here?”

I slide my hand between us and squeeze his cock. “I think I can guess.”

He steps back with a glare. “Get dressed, Jaxon.”

With a chuckle, I finish drying off and walk into the bedroom naked. Kane is sitting on the side of the bed, putting socks on, and stops midway, his eyes flashing with appreciation. I’m not vain, but I can’t help but feel good when he looks at me like that. I reach into the bag that Dalton went to get last night, taking extra time to bend over. I look at Kane out of the corner of my eye, and his hands are locked on the side of the bed, his knuckles turning white. Two seconds later, he’s up and storming from the room, slamming the door behind him. I bust out laughing and start getting dressed.

I finally walk into the kitchen, and Kane is sitting at the table with a bag of food beside him. He gestures to the chair beside him, but I slide into his lap. “Jaxon,” he warns.

“No games. I swear. I just like…this.”

His arms come around my waist. “I do too. More than you know.”

He digs the food out and starts feeding me again in between his bites. And it feels more intimate today instead of erotic. When he kisses me after we’re done this time, there’s a softness to it like he’s taking his time. I sigh into the kiss and let my mind settle. He pulls back and pecks my lips. “Dalton is downstairs.”

We stand up, and he takes my hand, leading me outside. As we slide into the limo, Kane’s phone rings. He rolls his eyes and swipes to answer. “What, Blaze?” I hear Blaze’s voice boom through the phone, and Kane pulls it from his ear. “You did fucking what?” He listens, and I can practically hear his teeth grinding. “No. You stay there. We’re on our way.”

He disconnects the call and threads his fingers through mine, kissing my knuckles. “We need to stop by the house first.”

I settle in, just content to be here.



Iwake up the next morning with a pounding headache from crying all fucking night. I met Blaze at one of the lowest points in my life. My sister had just been brutally murdered, and I was lost, drifting through life in a deep depression since she was my only family. My parents disowned me when I came out as gay, but my sister openly accepted me. Then she was gone.

A friend suggested a club called Leather Lounge, which, at the time, I didn’t know was a sex club until she took me. To say I was shocked was an understatement, but that shock quickly turned to curiosity. I spent that first night observing all that the club had to offer. The next night I went, I saw Blaze for the first time. He was on the main stage demonstrating shibari on another man, and I was mesmerized by the intricate knots that lined his body and the way Blaze moved. He worked the stage with such confidence that I couldn’t look away. He was shirtless, and all the colorful tattoos lining his body made me want to trace them with my fingers and see how far they went into his low-slung jeans. He’s muscular but not overly so. After he left the stage, I found myself searching for him and was disappointed when I thought he’d left.

I was at the bar when he walked up beside me to order a drink. His voice was deep, and it caressed me like he was running his fingers down my spine. My eyes pulled to him automatically, noting that he had put his shirt on, and his eyes were locked on the side of my face. He introduced himself, and the rest was history. He became my Dom shortly after I realized that I was submissive. He took me to heights I never knew existed and made my life worth living again. He was honest about his relationship with Kane, whom I had met only a handful of times. I was intrigued by both men and, over time, started seeing them both until Kane suddenly pulled back from both of us. Something that I know bothered Blaze, but he never said anything. We kept things strictly about our Dom/sub relationship, something that I didn’t want to do anymore.

I haven’t had a breakdown like this in years, and it hit me like a ton of bricks after Blaze walked out the door. I sat on the couch, staring at the door after Blaze left for I don’t know how long. Then the delivery guy knocked on the door, bringing me the food Blaze ordered, and that’s when I lost it. The morning comes with the realization that I’m alone again.

Rolling from bed, I go to the bathroom, take care of business, brush my teeth, and shower. I know if I don’t get moving, I’ll lay there all day wallowing in self-pity. But don’t I deserve it? I spent a year and a half devoting everything to Blaze—my body, mind, heart, and soul. And I didn’t get half of that in return from him. I finish my shower, dry off, and when I’m getting dressed, I hear movement in my living room.Blaze.I hurry and go rushing from the room only to be met with Kane’s pitying eyes.

I pull up short when I see the guy I met at Kane’s apartment sitting beside him. “What are you doing here?”

“Blaze told me what happened,” he replies. “I came to check on you.”

“I’m fine,” I snap. “You can go.” I spin on my heel to leave the room, and his voice freezes me in my tracks.


“Don’t do that.” I turn back around and walk the rest of the way into the living room until I’m standing in front of him. “Don’t act like you give a fuck when I know you’ll take Blaze’s side. I don’t want your pity, Kane. I want you to get the fuck out of my apartment.”
