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Her mouth drops open. My chest spasms. She’s up and moving in an instant, both of us rushing to meet each other, her eyes glistening as she launches herself into my arms.

“You’re here,” she says into my neck.

I should speak. There’s more to discuss, but thatCosmomagazine was on point. I can’t waste a minute of my bold move. I capture her lips in a searing kiss, not caring who’s watching us, gripping her back like she’s a mirage who might slip away.

Two softer kisses later, I say, “Where else would I be?”

She blinks up at me with damp eyes. “I went by Sugar and Sips this morning. I wanted to see you before I left, but you weren’t there.”

“I’ve been in a bit of a funk this week. Routine’s been shot to hell.”

Her watery laugh warms my soul.

“God, I’ve missed you.” I take her hand and brush my lips over her knuckles. “You were so brave our last night together, being vulnerable and asking me to come on this trip, but I wasn’t. I got scared. I chose the easier path instead of the right path. I haven’t been brave in a long time.”

“Since the robbery?” she says softly.

“Yeah, but also earlier. Since E left, I think.” I trace her regal jawline, brush the backs of my fingers down her cheek. “But I want to be brave now. As scary as coming with you is, not going and losing you is worse.” I force saliva down my throat. It’s now or never. “I love you, Naomi.”

She makes a small noise, then grabs my face and kisses me, smiling against my lips while saying, “God, I love you so much.”

My body grows hot, my cock thickening too quickly for our environment. I picture the vet deworming posters with their nasty imagery, then press my forehead to hers. “There’s a catch, though.”

She laughs. “I’d say I’m surprised, but this is you.”

For better or for worse, I’ll always be me. “While my love for you is both the shock of the century and undeniable, if I do this, I’d like concessions from you.”

Her lips quirk. “Did you make a pros-and-cons spreadsheet and settle on an even set of compromises we’ll each make?”

“You’d be disappointed if I didn’t.”

“I would, and I’m all ears.”

I nose her hair out of the way and kiss the edge of one of those gorgeous ears. “You’re stunning and smart, and I envy your confidence. Your ability to trust yourself and live in the moment inspires me, but I’ll always be more reserved and plan-oriented than you. As such, I don’t want this trip to be open-ended. I want to travel and explore with you, but I need a timeline. Claire won’t be happy about how I left. I’m not sure she’ll rehire me after, but when I talk to her, I want to do it with a plan. I also love Windfall and know I want to live there when I’m not being the spontaneous traveler you’ve unleashed.”

I don’t give her an ultimatum. This is a discussion, not a threat…and I’ve already purchased this ticket. Still, if I’m willing to add some anarchy to my life for her, I’m hoping she cares enough to curb her plans for me.

Instead of replying, she kisses me again, deeper and slower this time.

A little girl near useeeews.

My jeans resume their uncomfortable tightness.

She nips my lip and pulls back, excitement shining in her eyes. “I think a year is an adequate length of time.”

I scoff. “Who do you think I am?Survivorman? Six months, tops.”

“Six months is barely enough time to find our rhythm on the road. We need at least eight months to adequately unwind you.”

I was willing to settle on nine, so… “I’ll agree to your terms. Eight, it is. As long as we revisit theanalstuff you wanted to discuss.” I wink at her.

She whacks me lightly, her grin infectious. “You’re a pest, but I need to thank you.”

“For what?”

“For encouraging me to speak with my mother. I told her everything—how their pressure growing up made me focus too much on studying and making them happy. I explained that part of this trip is about me trying to experience the freedom I didn’t have as a kid. She was upset I didn’t tell her back then, sad that I felt I missed out on things because of how hard I was working. But it was a good talk. Therapeutic, honestly. She even said she understood why I wanted to take this trip and got excited for me.”

I tug her into my chest. “I’m so glad. Gran was excited for me too.”
