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Zach blinks and seems to realize for the first time I’m still here. “I’m good, Alex. Perfect.” He speaks slowly, like he’s still in a daze, but there’s a small smile on his face.

“Sweetheart, can you let go of your dick? I don’t want it to become too sensitive.”

His nose scrunches in confusion before he seems to understand what I’m saying. He looks down. “Oh! Yeah.” He laughs and shakes his head. “Sorry, I’m a little out of it.”

“It’s fine, lamb. I’m glad you enjoyed yourself. I just want to make sure you’re good. I’m going to stay on the phone with you for a while, just until the daze wears off some.”

Zach smiles. “I’d like that, thank you.”

“Of course. And if you feel funny even after we get off the phone, just call or text. Aftercare is important, and I shouldn’t have taken things this far when I can’t be there with you, so we’ll have to improvise.”

“I’m glad you did. Even if it was my own hand doing the work, that was the best jerk-off session I ever had. It was like you were controlling my hand, telling me what to do.”

I grin. There’s no way I’m getting hard again, but if I could, that sentence probably would’ve made it happen. Did I mention this man is perfect for me?

We clean ourselves up, but we stay on the phone. We talk about anything and everything, for way longer than is probably necessary. But I can’t seem to let him go, and it seems mutual. Eventually, he shuts off the light, and I do the same, but neither of us hang up. We stay on the call, just watching each other until we both eventually fall asleep.



My hands are sweaty as I smooth down my shirt. It’s the fifth shirt I’ve changed into, and I’m debating changing again. I really wish I had someone to talk me down from the edge, but I don’t exactly have a ton of friends. Maybe I should try calling Marcy? I’m sure she has plans for New Year’s, but maybe she’ll still be home. It is kind of early.

I look at Tiberius, who’s lying on my bed, batting at one of my discarded shirts. “What do you think, Tib? Does this shirt say sexy and sophisticated without trying too hard?”

Tib ignores me. Of course he does. My fingers hover on the buttons of the silver just this side of sheer button down when my phone rings. It doesn’t settle my nerves at all when I see it’s Alex.

This will be the first time Alex and I are seeing each other since the day after the holiday party. We’ve talked every single day, and even had another mind-blowing mutual orgasm session through video chat, but we haven’t had a chance to see each other in person yet. But, it’s New Year’s Eve now, and we’re finally getting together. I’m going to spend the night at Alex’s tonight. That is, if I don’t totally blow it and he runs away screaming.

The phone is still ringing. I take a deep breath and finally force myself to answer.


“Hi, baby,” he says in his deep, sexy voice. Gods, why is his voice so deep? Everything he says, even if it’s just hello, goes right to my cock.

“Hi, sir.” I’ve been alternating between Alex and sir, just whatever feels comfortable right now. But I need him to take control of this conversation and hopefully, somehow, see that I’m having an existential crisis and talk me down.

By some miracle, he seems to understand. “Are you panicking, lamb?”

We may have only known each other for a little under two weeks and have talked mostly over the phone, but Alex already knows me better than anybody, except maybe Marcy. I don’t understand it, but I don’t want to question it either.

“A little.”

“Can you tell me what you’re thinking?” Alex’s voice is calm, but with just enough of that hint of authority that relaxes me and gets me out of my own head.

“I’m freaking out a little, honestly. I just changed five times and am seriously considering changing again.”

Alex is quiet for a minute. He finally responds, “Is it seeing me that’s making you nervous or going to the party?”

I think about lying, but I know that’s a bad idea. During one of our late-night conversations over the last week, we had a big discussion about honesty and how it’s even more important with the dynamic we’re starting. I don’t want things to get off on the wrong foot with dishonesty. “A little of both, actually.”

“Why are you nervous to see me?” Alex asks in that infuriatingly calm voice, but I can hear the restrained emotion behind it. Is he worried I’m about to reject him? Because that’s just fucking nuts.

“I’m afraid I’m going to fuck this up. This past week has been amazing. You made the holidays with my family bearable. I couldn’t wait for our late-night conversations. But, we really haven’t spent any time together in person. And now, we’ll be together all night, maybe even all weekend. You’ll see me in a social setting, which I’ll be honest, isn’t my best look, and I’m terrified you’ll realize how much better you can do than me and end things—”


O-oh gods. That tone. And hearing him say my full name in that baritone, holy shit. It probably isn’t supposed to turn me on, but gods, does it.

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