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Alex turns to me sharply, his blue eyes clearing. It’s as if he can sense my internal panic. He nods politely to Ev’s family and takes my hand, leading me out of the crowd and into a hallway that’s empty. He crowds me against the wall, understanding I need his presence. He cups the back of my neck and squeezes. I immediately calm down. He touches his forehead to mine, and I breathe in his spicy scent.

“Are you panicking because we might be fated mates or because you’re afraid I don’t want to be mates with you?”

My cheeks are hot but I force myself to answer. “That you don’t want to be mates with me.”

He doesn’t speak at first. He just takes his other hand, the one not on the back of my neck, and grips underneath my chin. His grip is a little hard, but it’s not painful, just comforting. He’s letting me know he’s got me.

Instead of using words to assure me, he uses his mouth. He kisses me until I no longer have comprehensive thoughts in my head. Actually, he kisses me until I have no thoughts left, until only Alex consumes my mind.

Eventually, after what seems like hours, he pulls away. His grip slides from my chin to my throat. Again, he doesn’t squeeze, but I relish the closeness. I need his touch.

He doesn’t break eye contact, and he’s not hiding his thoughts either. Every single emotion he’s feeling is in his eyes. There’s some fear, sure, but there’s so much more. There’s lust, and possession, and need, and maybe even love, though I don’t dare say that one out loud. The emotions I don’t see are disgust or indifference. No, he’s making it clear he wants this. He wants us. If fated mates are real, he wants to be mine. He doesn’t need words right now; he already said them. The way he’s looking at me right now is enough.

“I think I’m falling in love with you,” I blurt out against my will.

I don’t get a chance to backtrack, though, because he grins and rubs his nose against mine. “I think I’m falling in love with you too, lamb.”

Around us, the party continues to go on. The music is blaring, and I vaguely notice people dancing, eating, and drinking, but to me, right now, there’s no one here but Alex. He’s the only person I see and the only person I want to be with now.

Alex nips my nose. “Would it be incredibly rude to bail before midnight? I need you in my bed, Zach.”

I shudder at his words. “I-I don’t think anyone would mind,” I whisper.

Alex’s gaze is intense, and I’m practically melting. “Good, then let’s get out of here.”

He doesn’t have to tell me twice. He holds his hand out to me, and I take it willingly. I follow him out of the house, a smile on my face. No matter what happens, I’ll follow Alex anywhere. Our love might be brand new, but I know it’s only going to get stronger. Alex is my present and my future.

We ring in our new year wrapped in each other’s arms in Alex’s bed, him buried deep inside of me, and if that’s an indication on how the next year’s going to go, this is shaping up to be the best year yet.



Itap my pocket for the 400th time since slipping the ring box in there earlier. Yup, still there. Zach gives me his concerned side eye as he snuggles up against me on the train seat. I know I’m acting weird, but I can’t help it. It’s not everyday that a person proposes, after all.

I kiss the side of his head and slide my fingers into his, hoping to distract him from my odd behavior. It’ll be hours yet before I can implement my plan and I don’t want Zach worried or doubting himself the whole time.

The last year has done wonder for Zach’s confidence but he still has his moments where he gets in his head and doesn’t believe he deserves this. It’s the last thing I want him stressing about on the day I officially ask him to be mine.

He tilts his head up at me, a small smile on his face. “If you don’t want to stop by the party first, that’s fine. I know you planned something else, I don’t want this to interfere.”

I kiss those pouty lips, I just can’t help it. Every day I’m blown away that Zachary is my boyfriend. My fated mate. It seems so surreal, and I’m constantly thankful for whatever deity that made it possible.

Don’t get me wrong, we have our ups and downs like every couple, and have had a few speed bumps along the way over the past year; meeting Zach’s parents is one that will always come to mind, but I wouldn’t change a thing. This has been the best year of my life, and it’s all thanks to this man next to me.

“It’s not interfering. I want to see them too. I’m glad we became closer friends with Simmons-Cirillo clan. I didn’t have many friends, it’s kind of nice having them.”

Zach’s smile is soft as he cuddles even more into me. When I first met him last year, I never expected him to be so snuggly. I was pleasantly surprised.

“Same, about having friends I mean. I was an awkward kid, and well, you met my mom. She didn’t exactly make it easy for me. I think by the time I became an adult I was so used to being the weird quiet kid, I made no effort to change it, or find my own tribe that accepted it.”

It’s not the first time he’s talked about it, but I still hate hearing it. I wish I could go back in time and knock some sense into every one of those idiot kids’ heads for making my Zach feel that way. And his mom…well let’s just say she’s not my biggest fan and the feeling is mutual. But that’s a story for another day.

Right now, we’re heading to a family I actually like. We became close to Ev and his partners during the year, including their adopted son, Roman. We didn’t know all the details how he ended up with them, but he couldn’t have ended up with a better found family. We even attended their wedding a month earlier.

I almost said no when they invited us back to their New Year’s Eve party this year. Today is the day we consider our anniversary. It kick started our relationship as a couple and it felt important to me to propose to the love of my life on this day. Since Zach would die if I proposed publicly, I was afraid this would impede on my plans.

But Zach really wanted to go and I kind of wanted them to share a part of our day, even if they didn’t realize it until later.

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