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The kiss starts innocently enough, no tongue, all of the hesitance of two men who barely know each other and are way too sober to be trying this in their work lobby. But then I feel him relax and begin to participate eagerly. He wraps his arm around my back and grips my neck, making his own claim.

I lose my composure and push Zach backward so that he’s against the glass windows. Zach lets out a small gasp of surprise before gripping me tighter, bringing me even closer to him.

I forget where I am. My leg pushes in between Zach’s and I can feel his bulge growing in his dress pants. I brush my leg against it with purpose, causing Zach to shiver.

After a mind-blowing, life-changing kiss, Zach pulls away, breathless. His pupils are blown and it doesn’t look like he’s completely focused. I understand the feeling. “We—everyone can see us.”

His gaze flicks to behind me, and I turn, expecting to see all of my coworkers surrounding us, but it looks like nobody's paying attention to the two of us. The alcohol’s been flowing, and no one cares about the shy editor and the grumpy marketing manager. But, it’s clearly making Zach uncomfortable, and that’s the last thing I want.

“I’m sorry. I was out of line,” I tell him as I straighten my suit jacket. I try not to show just how affected I am by what just happened.

Zach’s eyes widen and he shakes his head rapidly. “No! No, don’t say that. That was the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”

I grin, unable to hide my excitement. “Really?”

Zach bites his bottom lip and looks down shyly. Gods, why is he so fucking adorable. “Y-yeah. I just . . . Can we go somewhere more private? I don’t like people watching.”

Something deeply possessive and protective awakens in me with his quiet declaration. I growl and step closer to Zach, my nose nuzzling his neck. Zach tilts his head back, welcoming my touch. I feel this insane need to claim him, for every other fucker here to know that Zach’s mine. Which is certifiable, but I can’t deny the feelings.

“Then let’s go somewhere more private, lamb,” I whisper into his ear, relishing the shiver that runs through his body.

I wait patiently for Zach’s answer, breathing in his sexy scent. Finally, he nods, hesitantly at first, and then again with a little more confidence. “Y-yes.” His voice is barely a whisper, and if my ear wasn’t practically against his mouth, I don’t think I’d have heard him. “Let’s go.”

I try to calm my heart rate and stay relaxed, so Zach doesn’t know how much he’s affecting me. I’m not much of a hookup guy. I’m not a monk or anything, but I have way more important things to worry about than sex, and it’s only when I’m truly desperate that I ever force myself to a club to meet a partner for the night.

I’ve never ever done this at work or even with a coworker. In the back of my brain, I know I’m crossing all kinds of lines that can never be recrossed, but I can’t bring myself to care right now. Besides, despite the circumstances, I know, deep down, this won’t be a one-time thing. Not if I have any say about it.

I take Zach’s hand and drag him away from the front lobby and back toward my office. I see his head whip back and forth, no doubt trying to determine if anyone is paying attention to us. But, they aren’t. Like I said, no one gives a damn by this point in the night.

I lead him to the staircase to avoid the chance of running into any coworkers in the elevator. I hold the door open to the staircase for him, and as Zach walks past, his hand brushes along my abdomen. The touch is so light, I could think it’s an accident, if not for the small smile and shy glance at me from beneath his eyelashes. Fuck, who knew such an innocent touch could be so damn erotic.

It takes every ounce of control I have not to push Zach down on the stairs and take him right here. But no, he would hate that and deserves so much better.

The trip to my office takes way longer than I’d like. I’m so fucking turned on by the time we make it up, I’m losing my mind. I keep the lights off once we’re inside. I lock the door behind us and take off my suit jacket. I can tell privacy and not being the center of attention is a huge issue for Zach, so I want to make him as comfortable as possible. I make a show of taking off my jacket and hanging it on the hook on my office door. This effectively covers the glass window, making it impossible for anyone to see inside. Zach watches with his lips parted, his tongue peeking out from between his full lips.

I know I’m going to have to take control, and I’m completely fine with that. I prowl across the small office, crowding Zach. He watches with wide eyes as my hands circle his hips. I keep backing him up until he’s against my desk, his face inches from mine. I can smell mint and rum on his breath. Was he drinking mojitos?

Zach watches me, and he’s not pushing away, but I can definitely see the nerves in his eyes. Somehow I feel it’s not because he doesn’t want this—he’s afraid I don’t.

I gently touch his chin, forcing those hazel eyes to keep contact with mine. I make sure all of my desire, all my lust, shows through my expression. I need Zach to know how much I want him.

“You seem nervous, lamb. You need to communicate with me. If you changed your mind, no hard feelings. I’ll walk you down, get you a cab, and make sure you get home safely.”

I wait a beat, but Zach says nothing. So I lean in even closer, my lips brushing against his cheek. “Does that mean you want to keep going?”

There’s a sharp intake of breath and then a small nod. “Y-yes, please. Keep going, Alexander. I want this.”

I nip at his jaw. “Call me Alex.”

“Yes, Alex.” Oh fuck. How can two simple words turn me on so much? All of the submission, all of the eagerness that came through in that little phrase makes me want to take this man apart.

I can’t take it anymore. I grip Zach’s hips and lift him onto my desk. He may be taller than me, but I have at least thirty pounds on him, and it’s obvious with how easy it is to manhandle him. It’s also obvious how much Zach enjoys it, if the bulge in his pants is any indicator.

“Fuck, Zach. How have we not done this before?”

I don’t give him the chance to answer before cupping his face and devouring his mouth. Zach yields easily, and I’m quickly becoming addicted to his eager submission.

I break away from his lips and begin to lay open-mouth kisses down his jawline and neck. My hands slide underneath his suit jacket. “Let’s rid you of some of these clothes.”
