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Alexander takes a step closer, so he’s practically in my personal space. I can feel his body heat as he steps even closer and crowds me. I know I should be pushing him back, telling him to give me space. Instead, my body acts of its own accord, and I step closer to him, breathing in his scent. It’s comforting, spicy, and the tension eases in my shoulders as I relax in his presence.

Alexander places two fingers under my chin, gently forcing it up. I blink as I get lost in his light-blue eyes. This close up, I can see the smattering of freckles across his cheeks. It just adds to his attractiveness.

“Did I make you uncomfortable, Zach?” His rumbly voice goes right to my core, and oh gods, I can’t get a hard-on right now. I take a deep breath, trying to calm myself before continuing.

“N-no. It’s just late, and I need to get going.”

Alexander steps back, his eyes still assessing. His lips tip up in a smirk. “Not much of a party person, huh?”

I snort. “You can say that.” I don’t say anything else, but I feel he might be the same. I’ve never seen him at any of the office functions that I’ve been forced to go to prior to today. Maybe he was also blackmailed into coming.

Alexander grins, like a full-on smile, and oh gods, there needs to be a law against being this sexy. Is there anything he doesn’t look hot doing?

Alexander gets serious after a moment. “As long as I didn’t make you uncomfortable. I don’t usually stare down my attractive coworkers, you know?”

Gods, did he just call me attractive? My cheeks feel hot, and I take a step back. I need some breathing room before I implode.

“You should talk,” I blurt out. His eyes narrow in confusion. Why did I say that?

“What do you mean?” he asks. Alexander’s voice is still calm and even. He doesn’t sound offended, just confused.

“About being attractive. Because you are. Attractive, I mean.”

Alexander’s lips quirk up again in the half-smile I’m already getting addicted to, his eyes light with humor. “You think I’m attractive?” he asks, his voice going an octave deeper.

“Um, yes. Have you seen yourself? You’re insanely hot.”

I gasp and cover my mouth. Holy crap. What’s wrong with me? This is why I don’t do social gatherings. I either don’t talk at all and completely avoid people, or I just blurt out whatever I’m thinking, no matter how embarrassing.

I open my mouth to apologize, but Alexander steps into my space again, and my brain short-circuits. I’m left standing there, mouth opening and closing like a fish on land, completely at the mercy of this man.

Alexander is quiet for an uncomfortably long time. Like, I start to squirm as I wait for him to say something. Maybe it’s not too late to make a run for it? He’s more muscular than me, so maybe that means I’m faster? All of those muscles must slow him down.

Before I can make a decision, however, Alexander begins to speak. “I really want to kiss you, Zach. Is that ok?”

I continue my dying fish routine. He wants to kiss me? This godly specimen of a man wants to kiss me?

“Why?” Gods, did I really just say that out loud?

“Because, Zach, as you so eloquently put it, I find you insanely hot. I was surrounded by those people down at that party and I couldn’t take my eyes off you. And when I saw you slipped out, I panicked. Completely panicked. Which I know is an irrational response, but that’s how I felt. And it’s not just your looks, either, Zach. You’re absolutely adorable. I find myself wanting to get to know you in ways I haven’t wanted to with anyone in years. And, right now? I just really want to feel those full and soft-looking lips on mine. Plus—” Alexander glances up, gesturing to the ceiling above us. “—you’re standing under mistletoe. That’s a Christmas tradition, isn’t it? We wouldn’t want to disregard Christmas traditions.”

I can hear the snarkiness in his tone, and I almost roll my eyes. But, I’m too focused on the rest of his words. He really finds me hot? He really wants to kiss me? This can’t be happening. This is some crazy lucid dream. Maybe my drink was laced with something, and I’m currently hallucinating.

But, Alexander is still standing there, that amused look on his face, and I know he’s waiting on a response. Which, honestly, once I get over the shock, it’s a pretty easy answer. Of course, I want this man to kiss me because even if it’s a dream, it’s the best dream I ever had.

“Yes, please.” My voice is barely above a whisper. But by the way Alexander’s eyes darken, I know he heard me.

I’m completely rooted in place as Alexander crowds me until I’m up against the glass walls of our building. Everything around me fades. I can no longer hear “Jingle Bell Rock” blasting through the speakers. I no longer see my coworkers mingling and walking about. All I see is Alexander, his presence completely consuming, as his face inches closer to me. I tip my face down and his hand cups my cheek as his lips meet mine.



Ican’t exactly explain why, but this man has me under his spell already. I felt true unadulterated panic when I thought Zach was leaving without saying a word to me. I don’t know the right way to describe it, but instinct told me I needed to stop him. I wouldn’t be okay if Zach left this building without us having a discussion. And no, my brain didn’t care that we work on the same damn floor and I was bound to see him again. I needed to resolve this now.

When Zach stopped for me, it felt like things were finally clicking into place. And when I asked to kiss him and he said yes, all was right with the world.

I had to be pretty fucking desperate to pull out the mistletoe line. I mean, really? But, as Zach hesitantly opened up for me, his soft lips touching mine, I would’ve gladly used every cheesy Christmas tradition just to have this happen again.

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