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I shifted, uneasy. He was already under? Would he even be coherent enough to talk to me and let me know if he was okay? I honestly wasn’t sure what to expect. I had never seen an omega in heat. Mother always went to a special location until it was over since Father wasn’t well enough to take her through it. When she returned, she was already done.

“Will he be able to speak with me, sir?”

The alpha poured himself another drink. “I doubt it. Why would you need to speak to him? Just stick your dick in and knot him. It’s not that difficult.”

Gods. Alpha Mathsons had always been kind to me, but the way he spoke about his son set me on edge. Nothing felt right about this situation, but I wasn’t sure what else to do. This was agreed to, and Lennon was already in heat. I couldn’t leave him like that.

Finally, Alpha Mathsons stood up and led me out of the office. We walked through to the other side of the house until we approached a long hallway. “I must leave you here. The boy’s scent is . . . strong. I’m even having some difficulties controlling myself.” I wrinkled my nose in disgust but didn’t say anything. We’d all heard the stories of omegas being sent away after their alpha guardian lost control during heat and returning 6 months later, traumatized and depressed after giving up their unwanted baby. “Just walk down the hallway. The boy’s room is all the way at the end, but you’ll smell him long before you reach it.”

“Thank you, sir,” I replied, unsure what else to say.

He squeezed my shoulder. “You’ll be left alone until it dies down. There’s water, food, and electrolyte drinks in there for both of you. If you need anything, there’s a phone in the room, just pick it up and one of the staff will answer. Otherwise, we will see you in two to three days.”

Unsure what else to say, I just nodded and watched Alpha Mathsons walk away.

I turned toward the hallway. Here went nothing. I had barely taken five steps when the sweet alluring scent of slick and an omega in heat filled my nostrils. I stopped in my tracks, bracing against the wall as it overtook me.

I was instantly hard. Gods, was this truly what it felt like? I kept walking, forcing myself to take slow, measured steps. I needed to stay in control and not lose myself to the rut before I even entered the room. I was determined to check on Lennon and at least make sure he was okay before I took him. It was the least I could do.

Every step closer tested my will more and more. Was it normal for an omega to smell this strongly during heat? I knew it was meant to be alluring for alphas, but this was intense. I’d have to try and research it after this. Or perhaps it was just because I was unused to being around an omega who wasn’t my mother.

I hesitated when I arrived at the door of Lennon’s room, my hand shaking on the handle. The scent was completely overbearing by this point. I was so uncomfortably hard and leaking through my underwear. The moaning and whining coming through the door wasn’t helping my control either. I closed my eyes and took one last breath, covering my nose with my shirt. Once I walked in, I knew I’d have difficulty breathing without going into a full rut. I needed a moment to collect myself and keep a semblance of my humanity.

I opened the door and was hit with such a huge wave of arousal, I stumbled. When I finallycouldbreathe, I looked up and my eyes fell on the naked omega writhing on the bed. He looked up at me with glassy, lust-filled eyes when he saw me.

I breathed a little easier. I wasn’t sure if he’d even be aware of my presence, but it did seem like he was. “Alpha,” he breathed, his voice heavy with need.

I pressed my palm against my dick, trying to stave off the upcoming orgasm. I at least needed to get inside him before I came.

“Hi, Lennon. I know it’s been a while since we’ve seen each other, but your father arranged for me to help you through your heat today. Did he tell you about the marriage agreement and this?”

The omega shook his head, but I wasn’t sure if he was answering my question or was just in his mind. He was sitting up on his kneesandhad one hand rapidly pumping his cock while the other was behind him. He was slightly bent over, giving me a clear view of the fingers up his ass and slick leaking down and forming a puddle on his bed.

“Alpha, please, I need you. I need your knot.”

The words were like a trigger for me, and I was naked within seconds. I stalked toward the omega, finally feeling calm. He seemed enough of himself to understand what was happening, and my alpha instincts were fighting to take hold. Maybe everyone was right. Maybe all I needed to do was trust myself and everything would work out . . .

* * *

I blinked awake and sniffed the air. It smelled like stale sweat, cum, and slick, but that was it. Lennon’s heat had finally died down.

I smiled to myself. I did it. I took an omega through his heat. It was exhausting, a lot more work than I expected, but it was done.

So much of it was a blur, I wasn’t even sure how long it had gone on.

Everything ached as I forced myself to sit up. My mouth was bone dry, so I grabbed the half-drunk bottle of water on the nightstand before finally turning to check on Lennon.

He hadn’t moved or made a sound, so I assumed he was still asleep, and I was shocked to see him wide awake and sitting up, watching me with big, frightened eyes.

Oh gods. Now that I was paying attention, it was clear he reeked of fear. Even with the lingering scent of his heat clinging to the room and his skin, terror was the strongest smell and emotion.

Lennon was still completely naked, as I was, and had pushed himself so he was propped against the headboard. He had his knees up to his chest and his arms wrapped protectively around them. He watched me warily.

Gods. “Lennon, what happened? Are you hurt?” I leaned toward him, my heart wrenching as he flinched.

What did I do? I tried to think on the events of the last few days, but nothing was clear. I didn’t remember hurting him. I would have never hurt him on purpose, but something must have happened.

“Lennon, it’s okay. You can talk to me. Did I hurt you?”
