Page 112 of You Broke Me First

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"It's not going to be like last time." I cut her off, and I meant it. This wasn't going down the same way it did last time. "We just have to figure this out a little sooner than we planned."

"So you're not angry?" I wasn't angry; I was disappointed that she had to leave so soon, but no way was I making the same mistake I did last time and letting her get away again. I might not have this opportunity again, but I didn't want her to have to choose between her career and me, so we'd figure it out. I'd hoped we'd have until the end of the season, and then I would be able to go back with her.

My lips curved into a smile as I stepped into her space. "No. As long as you're not running away, I'm not angry." My hands cupped her face, and her eyes closed as she leaned into my touch. "We will figure this out, Addy." Her eyes opened. Her gaze held mine as her lips curled into a grin at the sound of her nickname. "How about I grab a couple of beers, and we can make a plan A and a plan B."

Smiling, she nodded. I pressed my mouth to her full, pouty lips, and she melted into me. I hated that in a few days, I wouldn't be able to do this every day, but I had to push those emotions aside for now so I could enjoy the time I had left.

After I grabbed two beers, Addison and I settled into a patio lounger on the patio edge overlooking the ocean underneath the moonlight with her back to my front. We talked and laughed and drank until the sun came up, and the only plan we managed to come up with was that no matter what, we would make this work and that we would both fly back and forth during downtime until we could manage a more long-term solution.

* * *

"Damn,"a female voice shouted, and my eyes flashed open. "You guys couldn't save the party until I got here."

Shit! We'd fallen asleep on the patio together in the lounger. Addison shot off the lounger, stumbling to her feet. "What time is it?" I muttered, pushing to my feet.

"My flight landed three hours ago."

"Omigod, Maddy. I'm so sorry." Addison apologized.

"It's fine." Maddy shrugged. "I got an Uber, and thankfully, Maddox's address was easy to figure out. But I could really use a shower and a drink. Oh, and you should really lock your front door."Note to self, always double-check that doors are locked.

"I'll show you to your room." Addison wrapped her hand around the handle of Maddy's Louis Vuitton luggage and twisted to head to the house, dragging it behind her, but Maddy didn't follow. Our gazes locked.

"It's good to see you, Maddox." Her gaze shifted, flicking over the view. "You're place is amazing."

I nodded a thank you because, for some reason, words eluded me at that moment. She smiled and turned to follow Addison. My hate for Maddy wasn't as intense as I expected it to be. In fact, I wasn't even sure it was hate anymore. Maybe Addison was right; it was a long time ago, and we were kids. Or maybe it was because Maddy wasn't solely to blame. I was the one who betrayed Addison, and she'd forgiven both of us.

Addison and Maddy disappeared inside the house, and I collapsed onto the lounger.

That was less awkward than I figured it would be. Something about Maddy being stranded at the airport and waking us up in a panic made that initial greeting easy. Hopefully, the rest of the time went just as smoothly.

I spent the rest of the morning cleaning the beer bottles and planning dinner for the three of us while Addison and Maddy played catch up in each other's lives. For some reason, Maddy was important to Addison now, and Addison was important to me, so it was time to squash the past once and for all so we could all move forward into the future.



I'd wanted to make a special dinner for all of us, but Addison and Maddy wanted pizza, wings, and beer. I expected simple from Addison because that's who she was and who she'd always been, but Maddy had never been simple. She was shallow and superficial, more of a steak, lobster, and wine kind of girl. That's who she'd always been, but maybe that's not who she was with Addy. Maybe she had grown up some. Only time would tell.

For the last three hours, we'd sat on the patio eating, drinking, and catching up. No one had brought up high school or what happened because they had already worked through their feelings, but I hadn't.

"I'm going to grab more beer," Addison said, pushing out of her chair. "And use the little girl's room. Does anyone else need a refill?"

"I'm good," I told her.

"I'll take another one," Maddy said, holding up her empty beer bottle.

Addison disappeared inside the house, leaving Maddy and me alone. The minute that sliding door closed, an awkward silence filled the open space.

"Your team is killing it this season," Maddy said, attempting to break that silence.

"We don't have to do this," I said dryly. Maddy raised her brows. "We can cut the small talk. We aren't friends."

Huffing out a heavy sigh, she leaned forward in her chair, crossing her arms on the table in front of her. "So, what will it take to get past this, Maddox." My gaze snapped to hers as she cocked her head. "We are both important to Addison, and we need to find a way to move past what happened in high school."

I knew she was right, but sitting here with her brought back every feeling of hatred I'd ever had for her. I knew that I shouldn't have taken the pictures, to begin with, but it was ultimately Maddy who took all that time away from me.

"Do you want me to tell you what happened?" I shook my head. Playing it all out again wasn't going to help anything heal. "I'm sorry, Maddox." Her eyes softened, and I knew without a doubt that she meant it. "I'm sorry for what I did to you and the pain I caused. I'm sorry I hurt Addison. I'm sorry for my part in everything that happened between you two, but I am not the same kid I was back then."
