Page 113 of You Broke Me First

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Sucking in a deep breath, I nodded on a heavy exhale. "I believe you, and I'm thankful you helped Addison with Asher."

"It was partly my fault." My gaze narrowed. Was she saying she had something to do with what happened in college with Coach and Asher? She shook her head like she was reading my mind. "No, that's not what I meant. I meant it was my fault he had the pictures to blackmail her, to begin with."

I nodded. I did have one question I needed answered before I could even attempt to lay this issue to rest. "Why?" I shrugged. "Why did you do that to her, to me?"

"Because I could see you falling in love with her, and I was jealous." She swallowed hard. "It was stupid, and I don't know why, but I thought I needed you. I thought you were my ticket out of the shitty town and away from my shitty mom." My gaze widened in understanding. I didn't know a lot about Maddy, but I knew her mom was a piece of work. I knew she preferred men over her children. "And I knew I didn't stand a chance as long as Addison loved you. It took me a long time to realize I never stood a chance even before Addison was in the picture, did I?"

My tongue swept out, wetting my dry lips as I shook my head. "No, but you didn't really want me anyway. You wanted what you thought I could do for you."

"Yeah, and it wasn't until I met Zayn that I realized I'm not sure I even liked you or myself, for that matter."

My lips quirked up. "Zayn Hart?" She nodded. I didn't know much about Zayn other than he was a year older and attended our rival school.

"I am sorry, Maddox. Do you think we can find a way to get along for Addison's sake?" I nodded as Addison slid the door open and stepped out. I had no idea what the future held at this point, and I wasn't sure we'd ever be real friends, but oddly, I did somewhat understand why Maddy did what she did. Even though I disagreed with it, I understood.



The weekend had gone better than expected. I wasn't sure if Maddox had completely forgiven Maddy, but they had managed to work out their difference, and he had moved past the hate he'd harbored for her. We ended up having an amazing weekend, but now it was over, and we had to say our goodbyes. Maddox had a flight this afternoon, and Maddy and I had a plane to catch this morning.

I walked between Maddox and Maddy through the airport as he pulled our luggage behind him. The drive to the airport had been almost silent. The truck had been filled with a nauseating mixture of dread, anxiety, and fear.

After Maddy had gone to bed last night, Maddox and I spent the rest of the night making a plan; we were determined to make it work, but the fear of the unknown coiled through us even if no one said it aloud.

"I'm going to head to the terminal." Maddy smiled. "Maddox, I'm sure I'll see you in New York once the season is over, and good luck with the rest of your season." Maddox smiled. "Addison, I'll see you at the gate." Maddy took her suitcase from Maddox and disappeared into the crowd of travelers.

"I guess this is it." I sighed.

"Hey." He smirked as his hands cupped my face, forcing me to look at him. "This isn't goodbye. There are only a few weeks left in the season, and between now and then, I will get everything ready to move to New York. I was thinking maybe you could start house hunting for us."

My eyes widened. "You want to buy a house with me?"

"I do." I opened my mouth, but he must have sensed my hesitation. "Just think about it." My mouth snapped shut as I nodded. It wasn't that I didn't want to live with Maddox, but we hadn't really had a chance to date. Every time we started, something always got in the way. I knew without a doubt that he was my person. I was just still worried I wasn't his. Which was crazy, but I still didn't understand how this wildly hot, perfect man liked me.

"I should go."

Sucking in a deep breath, he nodded. "I love you, Addison. I always have. I always will."

My chest swelled as tears blurred my vision. "I love you too, Maddox." He dropped his head and pressed his lips to mine in a tender goodbye kiss. A kiss that said everything. It said he didn't want me to leave, but it also said we would make this work. It said he was in love with me.

Pulling out of the kiss, he dropped his forehead to mine. His eyes closed as he took a deep breath. "Go." He dropped his hands to his side and stood to his full height. "Go before I throw you over my shoulder, kidnap you, lock you in my basement, and never let you leave." I choked out a laugh.

"I'll text you as soon as I land." By the time I landed, Maddox would be in the air, so he wouldn't get the text until he landed. "Call me once you make it to Texas."

With one more kiss, I walked away from Maddox, refusing to look back at him. I was too afraid I'd lose what little bit of self-control I had, and I would break down into tears. Even though we'd both made it clear this time was not the end, the fear of never seeing him again was real. The fear that he might change his mind once I'm gone was real.

I made it through security, stopped for a coffee, and then found Maddy at our terminal.

"You okay?" she asked as I sank into the seat beside her. I shrugged. I didn't know if I was okay. I wouldn't know until I saw him again. Maddy cocked a brow as she crossed her arms over her chest.

"What?" I knew that look. It meant she was going to give me unsolicited advice whether I wanted it or not.

"Nothing." She sighed dramatically.

"Spill it, Maddy." I rolled my eyes.

"You are about to fly home to be promoted into a job you've dreamed about being offered since before you moved to New York. A job you truly never thought you'd get because you're a woman."
